
Decision tree classifier

Attention: Available only with Twin Activate commercial edition.


parameters = dtcfit(X,y)

parameters = dtcfit(X,y,options)


Training data.
Type: double
Dimension: vector | matrix
Target values.
Type: double
Dimension: vector | matrix
Type: struct
Function to measure quality of a split. 'gini' for Gini Impurity (default) or 'entropy' for Information Gain.
Type: char
Dimension: string
Strategy used to choose the split at each node. 'best' to choose best split (default) or 'random' to choose random split.
Type: char
Dimension: string
The maximum depth of the tree. If not assigned, nodes are expanded until all leaves are pure or until all leaves contain less than min_samples_split.
Type: integer
Dimension: scalar
The minimum number of samples required to split an internal node (default: 2). If integer, consider it as the minimum number; if double, (min_samples_split * n_samples) is taken as the minimum number of samples for each split.
Type: double | integer
Dimension: scalar
The minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node (default: 1). If number of samples are less than min_samples_leaf at any node, tree is not built further under that node. If integer, consider it as the minimum number; if double, (min_samples_leaf * number of samples) is taken as the minimum number of samples for each node.
Type: double | integer
Dimension: scalar
The minimum weighted fraction of the sum total of weights (of all the input samples) required to be at a leaf node (default: 0).
Type: double
Dimension: scalar
The number of features to consider when looking for the best split (default: number of features in training data). If integer, at each split, consider max_features; if double, at each split, consider floor(max_features * n_features)
Type: double | integer
Dimension: scalar
Controls the randomness of the model. At each split, features are randomly permuted. random_state is the seed used by the random number generator.
Type: integer
Dimension: scalar
Grow a tree with max_leaf_nodes in best-first fashion. Best nodes are defined by its reduction in impurity. If not assigned, then unlimited number of leaf nodes.
Type: integer
Dimension: scalar
A node will be split if this split reduces the impurity >= this value (default: 0).
Type: double
Dimension: scalar


contains all the values passed to dtcfit method as options. Additionally it has below key-value pairs.
Type: struct
Function handle pointing to 'accuracy' function.
Type: function handle
The class labels (single output problem), or a matrix of class labels (multi-output problem).
Type: double
Dimension: vector | matrix
The inferred value of max_features.
Type: integer
Dimension: scalar
Feature importances. The importance of a feature is computed as the (normalized) total reduction of the criterion brought by that feature. It is also known as Gini Importance.
Type: double
Dimension: n_features
Number of rows in the training data.
Type: integer
Dimension: scalar
Number of columns in the training data.
Type: integer
Dimension: scalar


Usage of dtcfit without options

data = dlmread('iris.csv', ',', 1);
X = data(:,1:end-1);
y = data(:,end);

parameters = dtcfit(X, y);
> parameters
parameters = struct [
  classes: [Matrix] 1 x 3
  0  1  2
  criterion: gini
  feature_importances: [Matrix] 1 x 4
  0.00000  0.01333  0.06406  0.92261
  max_features: 4
  min_impurity_decrease: 0
  min_samples_leaf: 1
  min_samples_split: 2
  min_weight_fraction_leaf: 0
  n_features: 4
  n_samples: 150
  splitter: best


It performs classification by constructing a Decision Tree. Once the tree construction is over, it can be used for prediction using dtcpredict function.