Tutorial: Basic Drawing

Learn how to add a drawing sheet, create a table, create a view set, create section and detail views, add dimensions and annotations, and export the drawing.

In this lesson you will learn how to:

  • Add and customize a drawing sheet
  • Create and edit a table
  • Create and edit a view set with child views
  • Create section and detail views
  • Add dimensions and annotations
  • Export the drawing as a .pdf, .dxf, or .dwg file

Open the File

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Download and unzip drawing_part.zip.
    • Browse to your personal assets folder. The default location of this folder on Windows is here: C:\Users\yourname\Documents\Altair\InspireStudio\Assets\Scenes.
  2. Open the drawing_part.iStudio file. This file has no history.

Enter the Drawing Environment

To enter the drawing environment, on the ribbon, click the Drawing tab.

Note: In the drawing environment, the user interface looks slightly different than in other environments and the following features are disabled:
  • View Cube
  • View controls (except Fit Selected)
In the Browser, the default tab is now set to Drawing. Clicking any other tabs such as World, Material, or Lights will take you out of the drawing environment and into the modeling environment.

Set the Drawing Sheet Preferences

In the drawing environment, a new sheet is created automatically and the Control Panel is displayed.

  1. In the Control Panel, for Frame Type, select Simple.
  2. Change the Left margin to 10.00 mm.

Add and Edit a Table

  1. Click the Table icon.

    By default, a single cell table is created.
  2. Create a table as shown in this video.
    To Do this
    Split a cell horizontally Drag the horizontal edge of a Split Cell graphic manipulator (the blue box at the top right of the cell).
    Split a cell vertically Drag the vertical edge of a Split Cell graphic manipulator (the blue box at the top right of the cell).
    Merge cells
    1. Hover to the left or right of an interior border until a plus sign appears with the tooltip Merge cell.
    2. Click the plus sign.

    Resize a cell Drag the Edge.
  3. Add additional cells as shown below.

  4. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.

Format the Table Cells

  1. Similar to other objects in Inspire Studio, you can double-click a drawing table to edit it.
  2. To edit a cell, hover over the cell until it is highlighted, and then click to display the microdialog.
  3. Select Background to turn on the cell background. Some cells will need a black Cell Color and a yellow Text Color.

  4. Use the Text and Font Height to enter the following data.

    Note: You can copy and paste text between cells, but not the full formatting. Currently you cannot indent text or add a new line. Logos can be added during post-processing.

Add a View Set With Child Views

  1. Click the View Set icon.

    The modeling environment is displayed so you can select objects for the view set. Each view set displays a parent view of the selected part in the orthographic view and child views in the orthographic or isometric view.

  2. Box select the model. Right-click to confirm the selection.
    Now you are back in the drawing environment. The objects are displayed in the orthographic view. This is the parent view.
  3. Click to position the origin of the parent view.
    • To edit a view, double-click the outline.
    • To move the view, drag it.
  4. Create child views by clicking the left and right arrows on the exterior edge of the parent view.
    The child views associated with the corner arrows show isometric views. When you drag the parent view, the child views stay attached to the parent view.
  5. To modify the view set, click Properties , which appears when you hover over the bottom right of the view.
    1. For the left child view, turn on Hidden lines to draw light, thin lines delineating the geometry underneath the viewing surfaces.
    2. For the right child view, turn on External frame to draw a thin black frame around the selected drawing.

    Note: To remove a child view, click the corresponding arrow.
  6. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.

Add an Isometric View

  1. Double-click the parent view and add an isometric view using the arrow at the bottom left corner.
  2. Drag the isometric view to a new location.
  3. Add a custom scale of 1:2.

Add a Detail View

  1. Click the Detail View icon.

  2. Select the source view.
  3. Select the center of the detail view.
  4. Select the boundary of the detail view.
  5. Place the detail view.

Add Section Views

  1. Click the Section View icon.

  2. Select the first parent view.
  3. Move the mouse cursor to display the section plane and click to place it in the middle.
  4. Move the mouse cursor to place Section A-A as shown in the video.
  5. Optional: Add a new section view to the same parent view.
  6. Double-click the second section view. For Section type, select Horizontal . Place this section plane as shown in the video. This is Section B-B.
    Note: To edit a section view, double-click the newly created view (not the view where the section is draw). To delete a view, select it and press Delete.
  7. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.

Add Dimensions and an Annotation

  1. To make room for dimensions, delete the view to the right of the parent.
  2. Click the Linear Dimension icon.

  3. Add linear dimensions as shown in this video.
  4. Click the Angular Dimension icon.

  5. Add angular dimensions as shown in this video.
  6. Click the Radial Dimension icon.

  7. Add radial dimensions as shown in this video.
  8. Click the Ordinate Dimension icon.

  9. Add ordinate dimensions as shown in this video.
  10. Click the Annotation icon.

  11. Add an annotation to the detail view as shown below.

  12. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.

Export the Drawing

You have the following options:
  • To export the drawing sheet as a PDF, use the Print tool.

  • To export the drawing sheet as a .dwg or .dxf, use the Export DXF/DWG tool.