Design Table

Create design iterations on the fly using a design table, where you can quickly modify and set thresholds for the various parameters of a model, including sketch dimensions, without having to dig through construction history. You can create multiple snapshot tables, setting different values for variables in each table. Then you can export the file (model with design table) to HyperStudy to test and explore design alternatives. Variables in the Design Table also become available in the Animation timeline, so you can define keyframes to animate the value.

  • In the Variable Manager, you can add, edit, and remove expressions.
  • In the Design Table, you can change the value of numeric expressions (e.g., R=10 cm is a numeric expression, but R=2*3 cm and R=L+5 cm are not). You can also make these variables animation properties (i.e., objects whose values can change over time).
  1. Open a model.
  2. On the ribbon, click the Analysis tab.
  3. Click the Design Table icon.

  4. Select an object in the view.
  5. In the table, the Available Variables are displayed. Select one or more variables, and then click >> to add them to the Variables you want to control.
  6. You can do the following:
    To Do this
    Add new variables
    1. Select one or more objects.
      • To select multiple variables, hold down Ctrl while clicking.
      • To select a range of variables, hold down Shift while clicking .
    2. Click the variable name.
    3. Click >>.
    Remove a variable
    1. Click the variable name.
    2. Click <<.
    Modify a variable
    1. Click the variable name.
    2. Click the Value, Min, or Max text box, and then type a value or drag the slider.
      • Value: Define the current value of the variable.
      • Min: Define the minimum value of the variable.
      • Max: Define the maximum value of the variable.
    Remove all variables Click the Remove All Variables button.
    Create multiple snapshot tables, setting different values for variables in each table
    1. Click Save snapshot .
    2. Enter a Snapshot Name.
    3. Repeat the steps above to create multiple snapshot tables.
    4. Using the drop-down menu, you can switch between your snapshots to set different values for the variables.

    Export the design table Click Export. The file formats .hstp (HyperStudy) and .csv are supported.
  7. When you close the design table, it's saved automatically.
You can open the exported file (model with design table) in HyperStudy to test and explore design alternatives.