Design Project Information

  • Design Project information
    • Project type: Select the design project type.
    • Floor plan: Using this function, you can copy the information of existing project such as design name and model name. Check Design search and click Search to find existing design project.

      Figure 1.
      After selecting design project, the information is copied to new project.
    • Product Group: Select the product group.
    • Product Type: Select the product type.
    • Design Project No.: Specify the design project number. The default is that a new project number is generated by system temporarily, but if the system is linked with the corporate system which manages design projects, user can search and select the design project number in the list from the corporate system. To select the project number from the corporate system, disable the Temporary checkbox and click Search.

      Figure 2.
    • Design name: Specify a new design name.
    • Master schedule: Specify the master schedule from start to end date.
    • Progress stage: Select the development progress stage.
    • Development Type: Select the development type.
    • Customer: Specify the customer of the design project.
    • Production Organization: Specify the department of production.
    • Model name: Specify the model’s name of the project.
    • Board type: Select the PCB type.
    • Project Leader: Select the project leader of the project.
    • Stack-up settings by project leader: Set whether the project leader sets the PCB layer stack-up settings. This option is displayed based on the UDMS environment settings. For more information, contact your system administrator. For setting the stack-up information, set this option to Yes and click Setting stack-up.

      You can check the detail information by clicking the stack-up template name.

      The project leader can create a new stack-up information by clicking Creation.

      Figure 3.

      Select the layer count.

      Figure 4.
      After selecting the layer count, the stack-up for the layer counter will be shown automatically. This can be used as is or modified.

      Figure 5.
      Click Save to finish the layer stack-up setting.

      Figure 6.
  • Derived information
    • Specify the variant information. This item is displayed only when the creating variant in design project option is set to ON in the UBMS environment. For more information, contact your system administrator.
    • Add: Click Add to add a variant information.

      Figure 7.
    • Delete: Delete the selected variant information.
  • Attached file information
    • Attach the design project related files.