Discover PollEx UDE functionality with comprehensive user guides.
Set up the environment for automated verification such as rules and processes linked with Altair PollEx Verification and PollEx Solver.
Define the process of verification and analysis and manage the verification rules.
View new features for PollEx UDE 2023.1.
Learn the basics and discover the workspace.
Discover PollEx UDE functionality with interactive tutorials.
PollEx UDE is a web-based management system which manages all processes and outputs in electronic design.
Management function of PollEx UDE can be accessed by the user who has the system manager or administrator privilege.
Manage user accounts and connections.
Manage system settings such as menu items, language, and processes of design stages.
Manage the UPMS related settings.
Manage the UDMS related settings.
Manage the format of part list, variant and BOM templates.
Set whether to generate the images of the verification results.
Manage design verification and solver processes.
Set up the outputs of verification and solver.
Manage the rules of verification and solver process using PollEx tools. Each rule is categorized by the categories of PollEx tools.
Define verification rule setting.
Manage material data to be used for electrical or thermal analysis.