
This option is used to consider the Doppler shift in the computation of the RCS. On the right-side of the window the user can define the parameters, as shown in the next Figure:

Figure 1. Doppler Parameters panel

In this panel, we can add Doppler effect to objects in the geometry. To do this, select an object from the geometry view and press the Add button. The selected object will be added to the list of objects. It is possible to remove the Doppler effect from an object by selecting it from the list and pressing the Remove button.

  • Translation Parameters. Any object in the list could have a translation movement. Using this panel the user can define the linear velocity of the object. The Enabled/Disabled Translation check box must be selected.
  • Rotation Parameters. Any object in the list could have a rotation movement. The Enabled/Disabled Rotation check box must be selected. Using this panel the user can define:
    • First point axis cords of the first point axis.
    • Second point axis cords of the second point axis.
    • Speed rotation speed
  • Advanced Options. The user can also define the source velocity, the observation velocity, and the frequency bin.

Once the parameters of the movement of one object have been defined, it is necessary to click on Save Changes button in order to save this information and to assign it to the object selected.

NOTICE: Click on Save Changes button before closing this window to confirm the changes.