Table View Ribbon Quick Reference

The Table View ribbon displays when Table is selected from the Home ribbon or Monarch Classic's window tabs.


This ribbon will help you navigate through a table and is the starting point for performing data prep operations in Monarch Classic.



Launches the Table Design window.

Sets the font and font size to apply to the table.

Zooms and fits the contents of the table to the screen.

Automatically sizes the columns of the tables to the screen.

Selects all of the data in the table.

Copies the data in the table to the clipboard.

Sets the filter to apply to the table.

Sets the sort to apply to the table. 

Activates the search bar so that you can find specific data in your table. 

Displays the Go To dialog, which will enable you to go to a specific row in the table.

Locates the record pertaining to specific data in the table in an open report.

Refreshes data imported from an external database.

Displays displays all of the contents of a selected field in the table. 

Freezes rows and/or columns so that their contents continue to display on screen even when scrolling to the end of a table.



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