This is also called the nth Order Autocatalytic Model. It is a combination of an nth
order term with an autocatalytic term. It has many options to control the curing
rate. In this model, both the autocatalytic
coefficient and the nth order
coefficient can be made temperature-dependent (not exposed in
the GUI). However, the interface will set the temperature dependence automatically
to None.
Nth Order Coefficient
Units: None
Keyword: RateNthOrder
Description: See the above equation
Nth Order Exponent
Units: None
Keyword: NthOrderExponent
Description: See the above equation
Nth Order Temperature Function
Type: String
Keyword: RnoTempFunction
Allowed Values:
Default is None
Nth Order Temperature Function - Activation Energy
Units: J/mol
Keyword: VmActivationEnergy
Description: Used with Arrhenius temperature dependence
Nth Order Temperature Function - WLF Constant C1
Units: None
Keyword: RnoWLFConstant1
Description: Used with WLF model
Nth Order Temperature Function - WLF Constant C2
Units: Kelvin
Keyword: RnoWLFConstant2
Description: Used with WLF model
Nth Order Temperature Function - Reference Temperature
Units: Kelvin
Keyword: RnoReferenceTemperature
Description: Used with WLF model. For Thermoplastic
Auto Catalytic Coefficient
Units: None
Keyword: RateAutoCatalytic
Description: See the above equation
Auto Catalytic Exponent 1
Units: None
Keyword: AutoCatalyticExponent1
Description: See the above equation
Auto Catalytic Exponent 2
Units: None
Keyword: AutoCatalyticExponent2
Description: See the above equation
Auto Catalytic Temperature Function
Type: String
Keyword: RnacTempFunction
Allowed Values:
Default is None
Auto Catalytic Temperature Function - Activation Energy
Units: J/mol
Keyword: RacActivationEnergy
Description: Used with Arrhenius temperature dependence
Auto Catalytic Temperature Function - WLF Constant C1
Units: None
Keyword: RacWLFConstant1
Description: Used with WLF model
Auto Catalytic Temperature Function - WLF Constant C2
Units: Kelvin
Keyword: RacWLFConstant2
Description: Used with WLF model
Auto Catalytic Temperature Function - Reference Temperature
Units: Kelvin
Keyword: RacReferenceTemperature
Description: Used with WLF model. For Thermoplastic