Engine Keyword The Engine is stopped due to sensor activation, when the first sensor in the defined list is activated.



sensor_IDUi sensor_ID2 ... sensor_IDn

NTH NANIM Nsta Noutput Nabf Nh3d Ndynain


Field Contents SI Unit Example
sensor_IDi Sensor identifier.
= 0 (Default)
The Engine is stopped without ending the Time History file.
= 1
A Time History file writing is ended if the Engine is stopped, due to sensor activation.
= 0 (Default)
The Engine is stopped without animation file.
= 1
An animation file is written if the Engine is stopped, due to sensor activation.
= 0 (Default)
The Engine is stopped without .sta file.
= 1
A state file (.sta) is written if the Engine is stopped, due to sensor activation.
= 0 (Default)
The Engine is stopped without .sta file.
= 1
An ASCII output files (STY-File) is written if the Engine is stopped, due to sensor activation.
= 0 (Default)
The Engine is stopped without ending the .abf file.
= 1
An .abf file writing is ended if the Engine is stopped, due to sensor activation.
= 0 (Default)
The Engine is stopped without writing current data to the .h3d file.
= 1
Data is written to the .h3d file when the Engine is stopped, due to sensor activation.
=0 (Default)
The Engine is stopped without an .dynain file.
= 1
A state file (.dynain) is written if the Engine is stopped, due to sensor activation.


  1. A restart file is written if the Engine is stopped, due to one of these events.