RD-V: 0031 Pretensioner Spring (TYPE32)

Pretensioner spring force for different stiffness formulations.

The subject of this study is to verify the behavior of the pretensioner spring element for the different behavior.

Options and Keywords Used

Input Files

Before you begin, copy the file(s) used in this problem to your working directory.

Model Description

Units: Mg, s, mm, MPa

The model contains 5 spring elements with the same length of 100 mm and different properties.
  • Common parameter
    • Mass = 1E-5 Mg
    • Linear stiffness after locking = 1000 N/mm
  • Spring 1
    • Initial pretension force = 1000 N
    • Maximum retraction value = 50mm
Spring 1 Spring 2 Spring 3 Spring 4 Spring 5
Initial force = 1000 N

Max. retraction = 50 mm

Force versus retraction defined by curve Force versus retraction defined by curve Force versus time defined by curve Force versus time defined by curve going to 0
Ilock=1 Ilock=1




Imposed displacement is defined on one end of the spring element to model the reaction behavior from the seatbelt with initial retraction followed by tension and retraction.

Figure 1.

The other end of the spring element is clamped.


Computation results for the force versus elongation.

Figure 2. force version retraction and time
Theoretical value for the force according to time or retraction value.
Table 1. Theoretical Results
Time (s) Retraction (mm) Spring 1 Spring 2 Spring 3 Spring 4 Spring 5
0 0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
0.1 45 100 350 350 1000 1000
0.2 44 2100 2350 2350 3000 3000
0.3 46 80 280 -1650 1000 -1000
0.4 45 2080 2280 350 3000 1000


The Radioss computation returns results very close to the theoretical values with the expected behavior for the retraction behavior.