MV-7022: Front Suspension Spring - MotionSolve and OptiStruct Co-simulation

In this tutorial, you will use MotionSolve and OptiStruct in a co-simulation to simulate a spring compression and extension in a short long arms suspension (SLA) system.


OptiStruct is a structural analysis solver based on the finite element method for linear and nonlinear structural problems under static and dynamic loadings.

A co-simulation between MotionSolve and OptiStruct can simulate non-linear finite element problems, such as plastic deformation or contact, within a multibody dynamic framework.

Connections between MotionSolve and OptiStruct are accomplished using interface nodes. The connection type of an interface node is always a spherical joint, meaning only translational displacements and forces are communicated between the two solvers. With a combination of spherical joints, it is possible to model revolute and fixed joint configurations. Currently, other joints are not supported.

The current functionality has the following limitations/requirements:
  1. Only one OptiStruct instance can simulate with a MotionSolve instance. However, either instance can entail several flexible bodies.
  2. Only spherical joints can interact between a MotionSolve and OptiStruct system.
  3. When connecting several spherical joints with the OptiStruct system, those cannot be subject to a hard constraint on the OptiStruct side. In other words, they cannot be tied together to the same RBE2 or similar entities.
  4. Any MotionSolve body that is directly connected to a body in OptiStruct should have significant mass and inertia to avoid numerical instabilities. Conversely, this restriction is not required.
  5. Compliant elements, such as springs, forces, bushings, and so on, that are connected or applied to the OptiStruct body must be defined in OptiStruct. For example, if a bushing acts between a body in MotionSolve and a body in OptiStruct, then the bushing should be modeled in OptiStruct between the interface node and the OptiStruct body.
  6. The global frame between MotionSolve and OptiStruct need to coincide, the gravitational force needs to act in the same direction, and the units must match.

An intermediate knowledge of MotionView and MotionSolve is required for this tutorial.

Important: The coupling of MotionSolve with OptiStruct is in its beta phase (experimental). The feature may contain known or unknown issues. This tutorial will take approximately 5-7 hours to solve.

Prepare MotionView and Load the Model

Set the environment variable HW_MV_EXPERIMENTAL = OSFLEX.
Note: The MotionSolve and OptiStruct co-simulation is considered experimental.
  1. Copy SLA_MS_OS_cosim_start.mdl and Spring.fem to your working directory.
  2. Launch a new session of MotionView.
  3. From the Standard toolbar, click the Open Model icon, .
    Tip: You can also select File > Open > Model.
  4. From the Open model dialog, select the SLA_MS_OS_cosim_start.mdl file from your <working directory> and click Open.
    Figure 1.

Modify the Model

Remove the old springs pairs. Add one OptiStruct-based spring on the left side of the vehicle and a simple linear spring on the right side of the vehicle.

  1. From the Project Browser, under Frnt SLA susp (1 pc. LCA), deactivate Frnt coil spring and its dependents.
    1. Right-click Frnt coil spring and select Deactivate > Selected and dependents.
      Figure 2.

  2. From the Model Browser, right-click Frnt SLA susp (1 pc. LCA).
  3. For the OptiStruct-based spring, create a body named OS Spring-Left with type Single.

    1. From the Properties tab, select Flex Body.
    2. Change the Functional source to OS Flexbody.
    3. Verify that Input to OptiStruct is pointing to Use specified FEM file and generate a new input deck
    4. From the FEM file browser, select the Spring.fem file from your working directory.
    Figure 3.

  4. Create a point named Point 74447 with type Single and with coordinates 1043.04, -388.53, 1065.89.
    Figure 4.

  5. Create three ball joints with type Single and with the connections below:
    Label Body 1 Body 2 Origin
    Joint Spring lwr-left OS Spring-Left Lwr control arm-left Spring lwr-left
    Joint Spring upr-left OS Spring-Left UCA attach body-left Spring upr-left
    Joint at Pt 74447 OS Spring-Left UCA attach body-left Point 74447
    Tip: Double-click the Body 2 collector to display the Advanced selection dialog. From the Frnt SLA susp (1 pc LCA) system, select the attachment UCA attach body-left. UCA attach body-left resolves to Vehicle Body.
  6. Select the body OS Spring-Left.
  7. From the Properties Tab, click Nodes. From the Nodes dialog:
    1. Deactivate the check box Only search interface nodes.
    2. Click Find All.
    3. Node IDs 58, 57, and 74447 populate for the joint markers.
      Figure 5.

    4. Close the Nodes dialog.
  8. Add a spring on the right side named LinearSpring with type Single.
    1. From the Connectivity tab, select Coil Spring. Define the following:
      • Body 1: UCA attach body-right
      • Body 2: Lwr control arm-right
      • Point 1: Spring upr-right
      • Point 2: Spring lwr-right
    2. From the Properties tab, enter linear value of K = 120 and leave C = 0.
    3. From the Graphic tab, enter Number of Coils = 5 and Radius = 70.
    4. From the Preload tab, enter Force = 7000 and verify Free length = 150.
    Figure 6.

    The vehicle is fully assembled.
  9. Save the model as SLA_spring_MS-OS.mdl.

Run the Co-Simulation

  1. From the toolbar, select the Run Solver panel. Accept the default settings and click Run.
    MotionView creates a new FEM file for OptiStruct named SLA_spring_MS-OS_msoscosim.fem. MotionSolve begins and waits for OptiStruct to be executed.
  2. Start an OptiStruct run.
    1. From the Start menu > Altair <version number>, select the Compute Console.
    2. From the Solver menu, select Solvers > OptiStruct.
    3. From the Input file(s) file browser, select SLA_spring_MS-OS_msoscosim.fem.
    4. Click Run.
      The co-simulation begins.
      Figure 7.

  3. View the results in HyperView.
    1. Overlay the two H3D files: SLA_spring_MS-OS.h3d and SLA_spring_MS-OS_msoscosim.h3d.