Translate a Solver Results File to an H3D File

  1. After opening a result file, you can determine which subcase(s) you want to translate. To change the subcases that are listed in the Current subcase field, click Subcase.
  2. Select one or more subcases from the window and click Close.
    The changes you make are reflected in the Current subcase field.
    Notice: Since each subcase contains specific simulations and result types, the simulations and result types displayed in the HvTrans dialog change depending on the subcase(s) you choose. The result contents of the selected subcase are displayed in the Simulation, Result Types, Entity with Layers, Result Components, and Model Components boxes.
  3. Under Simulation, make a selection:
    • By List: Lists the individual simulation. Turn on/off a check box next to the desired simulation.
    • By Step: Select a range of simulations for which you want results. In the From field, select a starting simulation, and use the To field to select an ending simulation. Select an increment from the By step field.
  4. Activate the Output H3D for every step checkbox to write out every time step as a separate H3D file. This can be a useful tool for translating large files into smaller H3D files.
  5. Under Options, select the options you want to apply to the translated file.
    1. Click Compress to enable/disable the H3D compression option.
      Maximum % loss indicates the suggested amount that the model's values can be perturbed when compressed. The value you provide for maximum % loss will be compared to the results of an error estimation function to allow our compression algorithm to maintain an acceptable level of accuracy for your data. However, even a percentage of zero may result in some loss due to minute rounding errors.
    2. Click Include model with translated results to include the model data. Select From result file or From input deck.
      In addition to providing model information directly from the result files, you can also import your solver input deck for model information. If the input deck is created from HyperMesh, the component and assembly information is preserved as it is in HyperMesh.
      The following file types are supported:
      • Abaqus input file (*.inp)
      • ANSYS input file (*.cdb)
      • LS-DYNA input file (*.k, *.dyn, *.bdf)
      • Nastran/OptiStruct input file (*.bdf, *.dat, *.fem)
      • PAM-CRASH input file (*.pc, *.dat)

        Radioss Block Format file (*.D00).

  6. Set the desired result type. This field displays the available results for a subcase.
    1. Click Include corner data to include corner data if it is available in the result file. This option is disabled if no corner data is contained in the result file.
  7. Set the desired component type. This field displays the result components that are associated with the selected result type.
    When the All checkbox is checked, HvTrans exports full component stresses to H3D and HyperView Player calculates derived stresses during the post-processing. With this, all the tensor information (magnitude and directions) will be preserved. This is the most effective way to post-process tensor results, if tensor direction is a concern.

    When one or more of the stress components are selected, HvTrans extracts only the scalar data of the selected components. This is best used when tensor direction is not required and only a few important stress components, such as Von Mises or principal stresses, are needed.

  8. Check the Entity with Layers field to ensure the correct layers for the selected result type.
  9. The Model Component field displays the model component names with IDs that are available in the model/result file. Model components can be selected by loading the group files (*.grp, *.txt) using the Import Groups feature and then clicking Use Group.
    When you load the group file, HvTrans lists the components present in the group file. When you click Use Group, only the components in the list are selected in the Model Components box.
  10. Click Translate.
  11. Enter a file name in the Export file dialog and click Save.
    An H3D file is created.