Use the Altair HyperWorks Products Uninstaller to remove all files from the installation directory.
Windows 7
- From the Start menu, select All Programs.
- Select Altair <version>.
- Select Tools.
- Select Uninstall_SimulationProductsInstaller 2025.
- Follow the prompts to complete the uninstall.
Windows 10
- From the Start menu, select Altair <version>
- Select Uninstall_SimulationProductsInstaller <version>.
- Follow the prompts to complete the uninstall.
Note:Any modified files or added files, like the altair_lic.dat file, will also be removed from within that particular install location. Back up any and all files you wish to save prior to running the uninstaller. Each sub-installer has its own uninstaller if you want to remove a single product or group of products.