hw.hg Module#

AxisHorizontal class#

class AxisHorizontal(window: int | Window | None = None, page: int | str | Page | None = None, id: int | str = 0, **kwargs)#

A class representing a AxisHorizontal in XY Chart. Creates a Horizontal Axis for the given window and page. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes of the AxisHorizontal.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of AxisHorizontal to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property color: Color#

Sets the color of the axes label

property db10Ref: int#

Sets the dB10 reference value for the axis.

property db20Ref: int#

Sets the dB20 reference value for the axis.

property font: Font#

Sets label font of the axis.

property fontSize: int#

Sets label font size of the axis..

property gridsPerTic: int#

Sets the number of grids between tics on the axis.

property lock: str#

Sets one of the three Lock option states for the axes. The three states include never, always, atImport

property max: float#

Sets the minimum value for the axis.

property min: float#

Sets the minimum value for the axis.

property name: str#

Sets the title of the axis.

property nameVisibility: bool#

Turn off the text displayed in the HyperGraph window.

property precision: int#

Precision specifies the number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point.

property scaleType: str#

Sets the scale type for the axis. The scale options include: linear, log, dB10, dB20.

property text: str#

Sets new axis label/text displayed in the HyperGraph window.

property textAsDisplayed: str#

Gets display value for text in the HyperGraph window.

property ticFont: Font#

Sets the tics font of the axis.

property ticFontSize: int#

Sets the tics font size of the axis.

property ticFormat: str#

Axis values can be displayed using one of three formats. Supported formats are auto, scientific, fixed.

property ticIncrement: float#

Sets the spacing between tics for the axis.

property ticMethod: str#

Sets the method used for placing tics on the axis. Valid options are ticsPerAxis, ticIncrement.

property ticsPerAxis: int#

Sets the number of tics for the axis.

property type: str#

Gets the type of axis.

property unitMeasurement: str#

Sets unit of measure.

property unitType: str#

Sets unit type.

property visibility: bool#

Sets whether the axis is displayed or hidden.

property visualReverse: bool#

Switch the values and reverse the axis display.

property weighting: str#

Sets the weighting type for the axis. The weighting type options include: none, a, b, c, u.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

AxisVertical class#

class AxisVertical(window: int | Window | None = None, page: int | str | Page | None = None, id: int | str = 0, **kwargs)#

A class representing a AxisVertical in XY Chart. Creates a Vertical Axis for the given window and page. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes of the AxisHorizontal.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of AxisHorizontal to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property color: Color#

Sets the color of the axes label

property db10Ref: int#

Sets the dB10 reference value for the axis.

property db20Ref: int#

Sets the dB20 reference value for the axis.

property font: Font#

Sets label font of the axis.

property fontSize: int#

Sets label font size of the axis..

property gridsPerTic: int#

Sets the number of grids between tics on the axis.

property lock: str#

Sets one of the three Lock option states for the axes. The three states include never, always, atImport.

property max: float#

Sets the minimum value for the axis.

property min: float#

Sets the minimum value for the axis.

property name: str#

Sets the title of the axis.

property nameVisibility: bool#

Turn off the text displayed in the HyperGraph window.

property precision: int#

Precision specifies the number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point.

property scaleType: str#

Sets the scale type for the axis. The scale options include: linear, log, dB10, dB20.

property text: str#

Sets new axis label/text displayed in the HyperGraph window.

property textAsDisplayed: str#

Gets display value for text in the HyperGraph window.

property ticFont: Font#

Sets the tics font of the axis.

property ticFontSize: int#

Sets the tics font size of the axis.

property ticFormat: str#

Axis values can be displayed using one of three formats. Supported formats are auto, scientific, fixed.

property ticIncrement: float#

Sets the spacing between tics for the axis.

property ticMethod: str#

Sets the method used for placing tics on the axis. Valid options are tics, increment.

property ticsPerAxis: int#

Sets the number of tics for the axis.

property type: str#

Gets the type of axis.

property unitMeasurement: str#

Sets unit of measure.

property unitType: str#

Sets unit type.

property visibility: bool#

Sets whether the axis is displayed or hidden.

property visualReverse: bool#

Switch the values and reverse the axis display.

property weighting: str#

Sets the weighting type for the axis.The weighting type options include: none, a, b, c, u.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

CreateCurvesByFile class#

class CreateCurvesByFile(**kwargs)#

Class representing the CreateCurvesByFile.Provides the user to single file or multiple files with intersecting data and plot the data from all files simultaneously in the current HyperGraph session. For the Multiple Files, Intersecting data refers to files that contain the same type, request, and component information. The constructor raises an exception if the creation of CreateCurvesByFile object fails.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of the CreateCurvesByFile object.


Set the attributes of the CreateCurvesByFile.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of CreateCurvesByFile to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.


Method to plot the curves based on the information specifed. The method raises an error message for the following cases:

- If the file is not empty.
- If the subcase is null or empty.
- If the yDataType or yRequest or yComponent is null or empty.
- If the yRequestFilter and yRequest gives empty requests list.
- If the yComponentFilter and yComponent gives empty component list.

Method to set the CreateCurvesByFile attributes.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes

property file#

The file as a source for creating plot.


Returns the name of the file(for Single file) and name of the MultipleFiles(for multiple files)


Sets the file or MultipleFiles as a source for creating plots.

For Single file, set the Filename or path. For Multiple files, set the MultipleFiles object or name. :type: Union[str, MultipleFiles]

property layoutOrganisation#

The attribute to specify how the plotted data is organised on the page layout.The default option is currentPlot if not specified. Options available:

- currentPlot : Every curve is overlaid in the active window. This is the default option.
- onePlotPerRequest : Each selected request is plotted in a new plot with the
corresponding components overlaid.
- For example, if two Y requests and four Y components are selected,
two plots are created with four curves in each plot.
- onePlotPerComponent : Each selected component is plotted in a new plot with the
corresponding requests overlaid.
- For example, if two Y requests and four Y components are selected,
four plots are created with two curves in each plot.
- oneCurvePerPlot : Each curve is plotted in a new plot.
- onePlotPerFile : Curves for each file is plotted in a new plot for multiple files.
This option is valid while plotting multiple files.

Returns the layout option to specify how the plotted data is organised on the page.


Sets the layout option to specify how the plotted data is organised on the page.



property layoutType#

The attribute to set the layout type (number of windows) on the page. Options available:

0 - One window
1 - Two windows (left and right)
2 - Two windows (top and bottom)
3 - Three windows (one left and two right)
4 - Three windows (two left and one right)
5 - Three windows (two top and one bottom)
6 - Three windows (one top and two bottom)
7 - Three windows (left, middle, and right)
8 - Three windows (top, middle, and bottom)
9 - Four windows
10 - Six windows (three rows of two)
11 - Six windows (two rows of three)
12 - Nine windows
13 - Twelve windows (four rows of three)
14 - Twelve windows (three rows of four)
15 - Sixteen windows
16 - Four windows (four rows of one)
17 - Eight windows (four rows of two)
18 - Four windows (one row of four)
19 - Eight windows (two rows of four)

Returns the layout type(number of windows) on the page.


Sets the layout type(number of windows) on the page.



property subcase#

The subcase specified for creating the plots.


Returns the subcase selected for creating the plots.


Sets the subcase name or id for creating the plots.


Union[int, str]

property xComponent#

The ‘x’ source components selected for the specified xRequest for creating the plots.


Returns the ‘x’ source components selected for the specified xRequest.


Sets the ‘x’ source components selected for the specified xRequest for creating the plots.



property xComponentMatchY#

The boolean flag to match the ‘x’ source component with the ‘y’ source component for creating the plots.


Returns the boolean flag to match the ‘x’ source component with the ‘y’ source component for creating the plots.


Sets the boolean flag to match the ‘x’ source component with the ‘y’ source component for creating the plots.



property xDataType#

The ‘x’ source dataType selected for creating the plots.


Returns the ‘x’ source dataType name selected for creating the plots.


Sets the ‘x’ source dataType name for creating the plots.



property xRequest#

The ‘x’ source request selected for the specified xDataType for creating the plots.


Returns the ‘x’ source request selected for the specified xDataType for creating the plots.


Sets the ‘x’ source request selected for the specified xDataType for creating the plots.



property xRequestMatchY#

The boolean flag to match the ‘x’ source request with the ‘y’ source request for creating the plots.


Returns the boolean flag to match the ‘x’ source request with the ‘y’ source request for creating the plots.


Sets the boolean flag to match the ‘x’ source request with the ‘y’ source request for creating the plots.



property yComponent#

The ‘y’ source components selected for the specified yRequest for creating the plots.


Returns the ‘y’ source components selected for the specified yRequest.


Sets the ‘y’ source components selected for the specified yRequest for creating the plots.


Union[list, str]

property yComponentFilter#

The filter used for selecting the ‘y’ source components for creating the plots.


Returns the filter used for selecting the ‘y’ source components for creating the plots.


Sets the filter used for selecting the ‘y’ source components for creating the plots.


Union[list, str]

property yComponentSorting#

The sorting order used for sorting the ‘y’ source components for creating the plots. Options available :

- “ascending” : Option to sort the y source components in ascending order.
- “descending” : Option to sort the y source components in descending order.
- “none” : Option to ignore the sorting of the y source components.

Returns the sorting order used for sorting the ‘y’ source components for creating the plots.


Sets the sorting order used for sorting the ‘y’ source components for creating the plots.



property yDataType#

The ‘y’ source dataType selected for creating the plots.


Returns the ‘y’ source dataType name selected for creating the plots.


Sets the ‘y’ source dataType name for creating the plots.



property yRequest#

The ‘y’ source requests selected for the specified yDataType for creating the plots.


Returns the ‘y’ source requests selected for the specified yDataType.


Sets the ‘y’ source requests selected for the specified yDataType for creating the plots.


Union[list, str]

property yRequestFilter#

The filter used for selecting the ‘y’ source requests for creating the plots.


Returns the filter used for selecting the ‘y’ source requests for creating the plots.


Sets the filter used for selecting the ‘y’ source requests for creating the plots.


Union[list, str]

property yRequestSorting#

The sorting order used for sorting the ‘y’ source requests for creating the plots. Options available :

- “ascending” : Option to sort the y source requests in ascending order.
- “descending” : Option to sort the y source requests in descending order.
- “none” : Option to ignore the sorting of the y source requests.

Returns the sorting order used for sorting the ‘y’ source requests for creating the plots.


Sets the sorting order used for sorting the ‘y’ source requests for creating the plots.



CurveXY class#

class CurveXY(window: int | Window | None = None, page: int | str | Page | None = None, id: int | str = 0, id_type: str | None = None, **kwargs)#

A class representing a Curve in XY Chart. Create a CurveXY for the given window and page. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph XY plot (Line Chart) window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes for CurveXY.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of CurveXY to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property label: str#

Sets the label for the curve.

property labelAsDisplayed: str#

Gets the label as it is displayed.

property layer: int#

Sets the layer ID of the curve.

property lineColor: Color#

Sets the color of the line.

property lineStyle: int#

Sets the style of the line.

property lineThickness: int#

Sets the line thickness of the curve.

property prefix: str#

Sets the prefix for the label.

property prefixAsDisplayed: str#

Sets the prefix as it is displayed.

property reference: str#

Sets a reference for the curve.

property shadeAlpha: float#

Sets the alpha value for shading.

property shadeArea: bool#

Sets the shaded area for the curve.

property shadeColor: Color#

Sets the color for shading.

property shadeSecondCurve: str#

Sets the second curve for shading.

property shadeStyle: str#

Sets the style for shading.

property showLabel: bool#

Controls the visibility of the label.

property showPrefix: bool#

Controls the visibility of the prefix.

property showSuffix: bool#

Controls the visibility of the suffix.

property suffix: str#

Sets the suffix for the label.

property suffixAsDisplayed: str#

Sets the suffix as it is displayed.

property symbolColor: Color#

Sets the symbol color of the curve.

property symbolFrequency: int#

Sets the frequency of the symbol.

property symbolScaleSize: float#

Sets the scale size of the symbol.

property symbolStyle: int#

Sets the style of the symbol.

property visibility: bool#

Controls the visibility of the curve.

property xAxisAssignment: str#

Sets the axis assignment for the X-datasource (vector).

property xComponent: str#

Sets the component for the X-datasource (vector).

property xDataType: str#

Sets the data type for the X-datasource (vector).

property xExpression: str#

Sets the expression for the X-datasource (vector).

property xFile: str#

Sets the file for the X-datasource (vector).

property xFirstValue: float#

Sets the first value for the X-datasource (vector).

property xFreeze: bool#

Freezes the X-datasource (vector).

property xMaximum: float#

Sets the maximum value for the X-datasource (vector).

property xMinimum: float#

Sets the minimum value for the X-datasource (vector).

property xOffset: float#

Sets the X-offset for the X-datasource (vector).

property xRequest: str#

Sets the X-request for the X-datasource (vector).

property xScale: float#

Sets the scale for the X-datasource (vector).

property xSource: str#

Sets the source for the X-datasource (vector).

property xSubcase: str#

Sets the subcase for the X-datasource (vector).

property xUnitsMeasure: str#

Sets the units of measure for the X-datasource (vector).

property xUnitsType: str#

Sets the units type for the X-datasource (vector).

property xUserExpression: str#

Sets the user expression for the X-datasource (vector).

property yAxisAssignment: str#

Sets the axis assignment for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yComponent: str#

Sets the Y-component for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yDataType: str#

Sets the data type for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yExpression: str#

Sets the expression for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yFile: str#

Sets the file for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yFirstValue: float#

Sets the first value for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yFreeze: bool#

Freezes the Y-datasource (vector).

property yMaximum: float#

Sets the maximum value for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yMinimum: float#

Sets the minimum value for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yOffset: float#

Sets the offset for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yRequest: str#

Sets the request for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yScale: float#

Sets the scale for the Y-datasource (vector).

property ySource: str#

Sets the source for the Y-datasource (vector).

property ySubcase: str#

Sets the subcase for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yUnitsMeasure: str#

Sets the units of measure for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yUnitsType: str#

Sets the units type for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yUserExpression: str#

Sets the user expression for the Y-datasource (vector).

mathAdd(name, parameter={}, **kwargs)#

Create new instance of stackmath operation and adds an operation to the curve. Raises an Exception parameter does not points to a valid stackmath operation.

  • name (str) – The name of the stackmath operation.

  • parameter (dict) – A dictionary containing parameters for the operation.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


New instance of MathXY.

Return type:



Returns the complete math stack of the curve and its attributes.


args – The list of name/ID of the operation.


Complete math stack of the curve and its attributes.

Return type:



Removes the stackmath operation from the stack and returns a dictionary of all removed operation with attributes.


args – The list of name/ID of stackmath operation to be removed.


Complete math stack of the curve and its attributes.

Return type:



Move a stackmath operation one level down. Raises an Exception parameter does not point to a valid stackmath operation.


name (str or int) – The name/ID of the operation.

mathEdit(value, parameter={}, **kwargs)#

Edit the attributes of a stackmath operation. Raises an Exception parameter does not point to a valid stackmath operation.

  • value – The name/ID/MathXY object of the operation.

  • parameter (dict) – A dictionary containing parameters for the operation.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.



Return type:



Returns all the attributes of the stackmath operation. Raises an Exception parameter does not point to a valid stackmath operation.


name (str or int) – The name/ID of the operation.


All the attributes of the stackmath operation.

Return type:


mathPaste(inputdict, after=-1)#

Creates stackmath operation from the math Dictionary and add it to the end of stack or after a ID.

  • inputdict – The dict of stackmath operation and attributes.

  • after – The name/ID of the operation after which we need to add the new inputdict.

mathRemove(val: str | int)#

Removes a stackmath operation. Raises an Exception parameter does not point to a valid stackmath operation.


val – The name/ID of the operation.


Removes all stackmath operation.


Move a stackmath operation one level up. Raises an Exception parameter does not point to a valid stackmath operation.


name (str or int) – The name/ID of the operation.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property mathRef: str#

The math-reference of the curve.


Math reference of the curve.



property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

property xValues: list#

The x values of the curve.


Returns x values of the curve.


Sets x values of the curve.



property xyValues#

The x and y values of the curve.


Returns x and y values of the curve.



property yValues: list#

The y values of the curve.


Returns y values of the curve.


Sets y values of the curve.



CurveComplex class#

class CurveComplex(window: int | Window | None = None, page: int | str | Page | None = None, id: int | str = 0, id_type: str | None = None, **kwargs)#

A class representing a Curve in Complex Chart.Create a CurveComplex for the given window and page. Raises a Exception parmater doesn’t points to a valid Hypergraph Plot window

  • window ((Union[int, Window])) – The window of the curve.

  • page ((Union[int, Page])) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes for CurveComplex.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of CurveComplex to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property label: str#

Sets the label for the curve.

property labelAsDisplayed: str#

Gets the label as it is displayed.

property layer: int#

Sets the layer ID of the curve.

property lineColor: Color#

Sets the color of the line.

property lineStyle: int#

Sets the style of the line.

property lineThickness: int#

Sets the line thickness of the curve.

property prefix: str#

Sets the prefix for the label.

property prefixAsDisplayed: str#

Gets the prefix as it is displayed.

property reference: str#

Sets a reference for the curve.

property shadeAlpha: float#

Sets the alpha value for shading.

property shadeArea: bool#

Sets the shaded area for the curve.

property shadeColor: Color#

Sets the color for shading.

property shadeSecondCurve: str#

Sets the second curve for shading.

property shadeStyle: str#

Sets the style for shading.

property showLabel: bool#

Controls the visibility of the label.

property showPrefix: bool#

Controls the visibility of the prefix.

property showSuffix: bool#

Controls the visibility of the suffix.

property suffix: str#

Sets the suffix for the label.

property suffixAsDisplayed: str#

Gets the suffix as it is displayed.

property symbolColor: Color#

Sets the symbol color of the curve.

property symbolFrequency: int#

Sets the frequency of the symbol.

property symbolScaleSize: float#

Sets the scale size of the symbol.

property symbolStyle: int#

Sets the style of the symbol.

property visibility: bool#

Controls the visibility of the curve.

property xAxisAssignment: str#

Sets the axis assignment for the X-datasource (vector).

property xComponent: str#

Sets the component for the X-datasource (vector).

property xDataType: str#

Sets the data type for the X-datasource (vector).

property xExpression: str#

Sets the expression for the X-datasource (vector).

property xFile: str#

Sets the file for the X-datasource (vector).

property xFirstValue: float#

Sets the first value for the X-datasource (vector).

property xFreeze: bool#

Freezes the X-datasource (vector).

property xMaximum: float#

Gets the maximum value for the X-datasource (vector).

property xMinimum: float#

Gets the minimum value for the X-datasource (vector).

property xOffset: float#

Sets the X-offset for the X-datasource (vector).

property xRequest: str#

Sets the X-request for the X-datasource (vector).

property xScale: float#

Sets the scale for the X-datasource (vector).

property xSource: str#

Sets the source (‘file’, ‘math’ or ‘value’) for the X-datasource (vector).

property xSubcase: str#

Sets the subcase for the X-datasource (vector).

property xUnitsMeasure: str#

Sets the units of measure for the X-datasource (vector).

property xUnitsType: str#

Gets the units type for the X-datasource (vector).

property xUserExpression: str#

Sets the user expression for the X-datasource (vector).

property ypAxisAssignment: str#

Sets the axis assignment for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypComponent: str#

Sets the YP-component for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypDataType: str#

Sets the data type for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypExpression: str#

Sets the expression for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypFile: str#

Sets the file for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypFirstValue: float#

Sets the first value for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypFreeze: bool#

Freezes the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypMaximum: float#

Gets the maximum value for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypMinimum: float#

Gets the minimum value for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypOffset: float#

Sets the offset for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypRequest: str#

Sets the request for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypScale: float#

Sets the scale for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypSource: str#

Sets the source (‘file’, ‘math’ or ‘value’) for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypSubcase: str#

Sets the subcase for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypUnitsMeasure: str#

Sets the units of measure for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypUnitsType: str#

Gets the units type for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ypUserExpression: str#

Sets the user expression for the YP-datasource (vector).

property ymAxisAssignment: str#

Sets the axis assignment for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymComponent: str#

Sets the YM-component for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymDataType: str#

Sets the data type for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymExpression: str#

Sets the expression for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymFile: str#

Sets the file for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymFirstValue: float#

Sets the first value for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymFreeze: bool#

Freezes the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymMaximum: float#

Gets the maximum value for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymMinimum: float#

Gets the minimum value for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymOffset: float#

Sets the offset for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymRequest: str#

Sets the request for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymScale: float#

Sets the scale for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymSource: str#

Sets the source (‘file’, ‘math’ or ‘value’) for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymSubcase: str#

Sets the subcase for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymUnitsMeasure: str#

Sets the units of measure for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymUnitsType: str#

Gets the units type for the YM-datasource (vector).

property ymUserExpression: str#

Sets the user expression for the YM-datasource (vector).

property yrAxisAssignment: str#

Sets the axis assignment for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrComponent: str#

Sets the YR-component for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrDataType: str#

Sets the data type for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrExpression: str#

Sets the expression for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrFile: str#

Sets the file for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrFirstValue: float#

Sets the first value for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrFreeze: bool#

Freezes the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrMaximum: float#

Gets the maximum value for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrMinimum: float#

Gets the minimum value for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrOffset: float#

Sets the offset for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrRequest: str#

Sets the request for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrScale: float#

Sets the scale for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrSource: str#

Sets the source (‘file’, ‘math’ or ‘value’) for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrSubcase: str#

Sets the subcase for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrUnitsMeasure: str#

Sets the units of measure for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrUnitsType: str#

Gets the units type for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yrUserExpression: str#

Sets the user expression for the YR-datasource (vector).

property yiAxisAssignment: str#

Sets the axis assignment for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiComponent: str#

Sets the YI-component for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiDataType: str#

Sets the data type for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiExpression: str#

Sets the expression for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiFile: str#

Sets the file for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiFirstValue: float#

Sets the first value for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiFreeze: bool#

Freezes the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiMaximum: float#

Gets the maximum value for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiMinimum: float#

Gets the minimum value for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiOffset: float#

Sets the offset for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiRequest: str#

Sets the request for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiScale: float#

Sets the scale for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiSource: str#

Sets the source (‘file’, ‘math’ or ‘value’) for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiSubcase: str#

Sets the subcase for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiUnitsMeasure: str#

Sets the units of measure for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiUnitsType: str#

Gets the units type for the YI-datasource (vector).

property yiUserExpression: str#

Sets the user expression for the YI-datasource (vector).

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property mathRef: str#

The math-reference of the curve


math reference of the curve.



property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

property xValues: list#

The x values of the complex curve.


Returns x values of the complex curve.


Sets x values of the complex curve.



property y2Values: list#

The y2 values of the complex curve.


Returns y2 values of the complex curve.


Sets y2 values of the complex curve.



property yiValues: list#

The yi values of the complex curve.


Returns yi values of the complex curve.


Sets yi values of the complex curve.



property ymValues: list#

The ym values of the complex curve.


Returns ym values of the complex curve.


Sets ym values of the complex curve.



property ypValues: list#

The yp values of the complex curve.


Returns yp values of the complex curve.


Sets yp values of the complex curve.



property yrValues: list#

The yr values of the complex curve.


Returns yr values of the complex curve.


Sets yr values of the complex curve.



DataQuery class#

class DataFile(file: str)#

Class representing a DataFile. Provides methods to interact with the data contained within it. The constructor raises an exception if file name or path is not valid or doesn’t exist.


file (str) – The file name or path for the data file.


Set the attributes of the DataFile.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of DataFile to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

getComponents(datatype: str, includeTime: bool = True)#

Method to get the list of all components for a given datatype.


Gets the list of all components for a given datatype.



  • datatype (str) – The name of the data type that is being queried. Components vary by data type. For a list of datatype names, use the method getDataTypes.

  • includeTime (bool) – A param that determines if Time is to be included as a dataType. Defaults to True.

getComponentsPerRequest(datatype: str, request: str, includeTime: bool = True)#

Method to get the list of all components for a given datatype and request. It differs from GetComponentList in that it filters out components that are marked by the reader as not containing data.


Gets the list of all components for a given datatype and request.



  • datatype (str) – The name of the data type that is being queried. Components vary by datatype.For a list of datatype names, use the method getDataTypes.

  • request (str) – The name of the request to be used as a filter. Components vary by request. For a list of request names, use the method getRequests.

  • includeTime (bool) – A param that determines if Time is to be included as a dataType. Defaults to True.

getDataTypes(includeTime: bool = True)#

Method to get the list of all datatypes.


Gets the list of all datatypes.




includeTime (bool) – A param that determines if Time is to be included as a dataType. Defaults to True.

getMetaDataLabel(datatype: str, request: str, component: str, metadata: str)#

Method to get the label of the metadata item associated with a file channel.The channel is identified by the datatype, request, and component parameters. These strings are specific to the particular file.


Gets the label of the metadata item associated with a file channel.



  • datatype (str) – The name of the data type that is being queried to specify the channel. For a list of datatype names, use the method getDataTypes.

  • request (str) – The name of the request that is being queried to specify the channel. For a list of request names, use the method getRequests.

  • component (str) – The name of the component that is being queried to specify the channel. For a list of component names, use the method getComponents.

  • metadata (str) – The item of data to retrieve.

getMetaDataList(datatype: str, request: str, component: str)#

Method to get the list of meta data items associated with a file channel.The channel is identified by the datatype, request, and component parameters. These strings are specific to the particular file.


Gets the list of meta data items associated with a file channel.



  • datatype (str) – The name of the data type that is being queried to get the channel. For a list of datatype names, use the method getDataTypes.

  • request (str) – The name of the request that is being queried to get the channel. For a list of request names, use the method getRequests.

  • component (str) – The name of the component that is being queried to get the channel. For a list of component names, use the method getComponents.

getMetaDataType(datatype: str, request: str, component: str, metadata: str)#

Method to get the type of the metadata item associated with the file channel.The channel is identified by the datatype, request, and component parameters. These strings are specific to the particular file.


Gets the type of the metadata item associated with the file channel.



  • datatype (str) – The name of the data type that is being queried to specify the channel. For a list of datatype names, use the method getDataTypes.

  • request (str) – The name of the request that is being queried to specify the channel. For a list of request names, use the method getRequests.

  • component (str) – The name of the component that is being queried to specify the channel. For a list of component names, use the method getComponents.

  • metadata (str) – The item of data to retrieve.

getMetaDataValue(datatype: str, request: str, component: str, metadata: str)#

Method to get an item of meta data associated with a file channel.The channel is identified by the datatype, request, and component parameters. These strings are specific to the particular file.


Gets an item of meta data associated with a file channel.



  • datatype (str) – The name of the data type that is being queried to specify the channel. For a list of datatype names, use the method getDataTypes.

  • request (str) – The name of the request that is being queried to specify the channel. For a list of request names, use the method getRequests.

  • component (str) – The name of the component that is being queried to specify the channel. For a list of component names, use the method getComponents.

  • metadata (str) – The item of data to retrieve.

getRequests(datatype: str, includeTime: bool = True)#

Method to get the list of all requests for a given datatype.


Gets the list of all requests for a given datatype.



  • datatype (str) – The name of the data type that is being queried. Requests vary by data type. For a list of datatype names, use the method getDataTypes.

  • includeTime (bool) – A param that determines if Time is to be included as a dataType. Defaults to True.


Method to get the list of the IDs of all subcases.


Gets the list of the IDs of all subcases.




Method to get the list of the labels of all subcases.


Gets the list of the labels of all subcases.



getTimeChannelComponent(datatype: str, request: str, component: str)#

Method to get the component name of the time channel associated with a specified data channel.


Gets the component name of the time channel associated with a specified data channel.



  • datatype (str) – The name of the data type that is being queried to specify the data channel. For a list of datatype names, use the method getDataTypes.

  • request (str) – The name of the request that is being queried to specify the data channel. For a list of request names, use the method getRequests.

  • component (str) – The name of the component that is being queried to specify the data channel. For a list of component names, use the method getComponents.

getTimeChannelDataType(datatype: str, request: str, component: str)#

Method to get the datatype name of the time channel associated with a specified data channel. The data channel is specified by the datatype, request, and component parameters.


Gets the datatype name of the time channel associated with a specified data channel.



  • datatype (str) – The name of the data type that is being queried to get the channel. For a list of datatype names, use the method getDataTypes.

  • request (str) – The name of the request that is being queried to get the channel. For a list of request names, use the method getRequests.

  • component (str) – The name of the component that is being queried to get the channel. For a list of component names, use the method getComponents.

getTimeChannelRequest(datatype: str, request: str, component: str)#

Method to get the request name of the time channel associated with a specified data channel.


Gets the request name of the time channel associated with a specified data channel.



  • datatype (str) – The name of the data type that is being queried to specify the data channel. For a list of datatype names, use the method getDataTypes.

  • request (str) – The name of the request that is being queried to specify the data channel. For a list of request names, use the method getRequests.

  • component (str) – The name of the component that is being queried to specify the data channel. For a list of component names, use the method getComponents.

property readerVersion#

The reader version for the data file.


Returns the reader version for the data file.


Sets the reader version for the data file.



property subcase#

The subcase for the data file.


Returns the name of the current subcase.


Sets the subcase name or id.


Union[int, str]

DataFileQuery class#

class DataFileQuery(file: str, dataType: str = '', requests: str | list = [], components: str | list = [], includeTime: str = True, **kwargs)#

Class representing a DataFileQuery for querying data from a file. The constructor raises an exception if file name or path is not valid or doesn’t exist.

  • file (str) – The name or path for the data file.

  • (Optional) (includeTime) – The dataType selected for the data file query. Defaults to empty string.

  • (Optional) – The requests selected for the data file query. Defaults to empty string or list.

  • (Optional) – The components selected for the data file query. Defaults to empty string or list.

  • (Optional) – A param that determines if Time is to be included as a dataType. Defaults to True.


Set the attributes of the DataFile.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of DataFile to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.


Method to get the file channel information for the data file query.


Gets the file channel information for the data file query.



run(outputType: str)#

Method to get the data vectors for the data file query.


Gets the data vectors for the data file query.


numpy array or pandas dataframe


outputType (str) – The type of output type (numpy or pandas).


Method to set the data file query attributes.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes

property components#

The components for the data file query.


Returns the components for the data file query.


Sets the components for the data file query. To get all components use the wildcard string ‘all’.


Union[list, str]

property dataType#

The dataType for the data file query.


Returns the dataType for the data file query.


Sets the dataType for the data file query.



property includeTime#

The flag that determines if Time is to be included as a dataType.


Returns the flag whether time is included.


Sets the flag whether time is included.



property readerVersion#

The reader version for the data file query.


Returns the reader version for the data file query.


Sets the reader version for the data file query.



property requests#

The requests for the data file query.


Returns the requests for the data file query.


Sets the requests for the data file query. To get all requests use the wildcard string ‘all’.


Union[list, str]

property sort#

The sorting order for the data file query.


Returns the sorting order for the data file query.


Sets the sorting order for the data file query. Supported are ‘requestAllComponents’ and ‘componentAllRequests’.



property subcase#

The subcase for the data file query.


Returns the subcase for the data file query.


Sets the subcase name or id for the data file query.


Union[int, str]

DatumHorizontal class#

class DatumHorizontal(window: int | Window | None = None, page: int | str | Page | None = None, id: int | str = 0, **kwargs)#

A class representing a DatumHorizontal in XY Chart. Creates a Horizontal Datum for the given window and page. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes of the DatumHorizontal.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of DatumHorizontal to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property associatedAxis: str#

Sets the associated axis for the datum.

property font: Font#

Sets the font of the datum label.

property fontSize: int#

Sets the font size of the datum label.

property label: str#

Sets the label (displayed text) of the datum.

property labelAsDisplayed: str#

Gets the label (displayed text) of the datum.

property labelLocation: str#

Sets the label location for the datum. The label location includes: upperLeft, upperCenter, upperRight, lowerLeft, lowerCenter, lowerRight.

property layer: int#

Sets the layer ID of the datum.

property lineColor: Color#

Gets the line color of the datum.

property lineStyle: int#

Sets the line style of the datum.

property lineThickness: int#

Sets the line thickness of the datum.

property name: str#

Sets the title of the datum.

property position: str or float#

Sets the value/expression (position) of the datum.

property positionValue: float#

Gets the value (position) of the datum.

property type: str#

Gets the type of the Datum.

property visibility: bool#

Sets whether the datum is displayed or hidden.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

DatumVertical class#

class DatumVertical(window: int | Window | None = None, page: int | str | Page | None = None, id: int | str = 0, **kwargs)#

A class representing a DatumVertical in XY Chart. Creates a Vertical Datum for the given window and page. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes of the DatumVertical.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of DatumVertical to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property associatedAxis: str#

Sets the associated axis for the datum.

property font: Font#

Sets the font of the datum label.

property fontSize: int#

Sets the font size of the datum label.

property label: str#

Sets the label (displayed text) of the datum.

property labelAsDisplayed: str#

Gets the label (displayed text) of the datum.

property labelLocation: str#

Sets the label location for the datum. The label location includes: upperLeft, upperCenter, upperRight, lowerLeft, lowerCenter, lowerRight.

property layer: int#

Sets the layer ID of the datum.

property lineColor: Color#

Gets the line color of the datum.

property lineStyle: int#

Sets the line style of the datum.

property lineThickness: int#

Sets the line thickness of the datum.

property name: str#

Sets the title of the datum.

property position: str or float#

Sets the value/expression (position) of the datum.

property positionValue: float#

Gets the value (position) of the datum.

property type: str#

Gets the type of the Datum.

property visibility: bool#

Sets whether the datum is displayed or hidden.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

ExportCurves class#

class ExportCurves(**kwargs)#

Bases: object

Class providing functionality to export plot data in several different formats.


Exports plot data.

isoMmeTrimCurveLabel(startCharacterId, endCharacterId)#

To enter a start and end point to remove data outside of the specified range.


Set the attributes of the ExportCurves object.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of ExportCurves object to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property exportAxisValues#

Enables the export of original curve values over dB scaled values.

property file#

Attribute to set or get the export file name.


Gets the capture image file name.


Sets the capture image file name.



property format#

The type of format that you want to set for the export file. The different types include: Excel, Column, XY Data, X GRAPH, Summary, Adams Spline, Altair Binary, CSV Blocks, DAC, RPC, and Excel Europe.


Gets the export format.


Sets the export format.



property isoMmeDeleteExistingFiles#

Option to delete any existing files in the channel directory upon export.

property range#

The range of curves to export. Valid values include are all, plot, page or a list representing a range of pages.

Header class#

class Header(window: int | Window | None = None, page: int | str | Page | None = None, **kwargs)#

A class representing a Header in XY Chart. Returns a Header for the given window and page. RRaises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes of the Header.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of Header to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property alignment: str#

Sets the text alignment for the Header. The options includes: left, right, center.

property color: Color#

Sets the text color of the Header.

property fontPrimary: Font#

Sets the font primary font of the Header.

property fontPrimarySize: int#

Sets the primary font size of the Header.

property fontSecondary: Font#

Sets the secondary font of the Header.

property fontSecondarySize: int#

Sets the secondary font size of the Header.

property fontTertiary: Font#

Sets the tertiary font of the Header.

property fontTertiarySize: int#

Sets the tertiary font size of the Header.

property text: str#

Sets the text of the Header.

property textAsDisplayed: str#

Gets the label (displayed text) of the Header.

property type: str#

Gets the type of the title.

property visibility: bool#

Sets whether the Header is displayed or hidden.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

Legend class#

class Legend(window: int | Window | None = None, page: int | str | Page | None = None, **kwargs)#

A class representing a Legend in XY Chart. Returns a Legend for the given window and page. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes of the Legend.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of Legend to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property autoPositioning: str#

Automatically positions the legend within the modeling window..

property backgroundColor: Font#

Sets the legend background to the specified color.

property borderColor: int#

Sets the legend border to the specified color.

property borderStyle: int#

Sets the border line style of the legend.

property curveTextColor: int#

Sets the curve color for legend.

property font: int#

Sets the font of the legend.

property fontSize: Color#

Sets the font size of the legend.

property leaderPosition: int#

Sets the leader position for the legend. The leader position includes: left, below, none.

property placement: int#

Sets the legend placement in the modeling window. Options include: insideLeftTopCorner, insideLeftBottomCorner, insideRightTopCorner, insideRightBottomCorner, outsideTop, outsideBottom, outsideLeft, outsideRight, insideUserDefined.

property visibility: Color#

Sets whether the legend is displayed or hidden.

property xCoordinate: int#

Sets the X relative position of the legend.

property yCoordinate: int#

Sets the Y relative position of the legend.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

MathXY class#

class MathXY(curve, id: int = 1)#

Returns a stackmath operation object, defined by curve and ID. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid curve in a HyperGraph XY plot (Line Chart) window.

  • curve (Union[int, CurveXY]) – The curve for the stackmath operation.

  • id (int) – The id of the stackmath operation.


Set the attributes of the stackmath object.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of stackmath object to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property curve: CurveXY#

Returns the CurveXY Object.


Returns the CurveXY Object.



property enabled: bool#

Enable/disable stackmath operation.


Enable stackmath operation.


Disable stackmath operation.



property id: int#

Get the ID of the stackmath operation.


Returns the ID.



property operation: bool#

Returns name of the stackmath operation


Enable stackmath operation.

MultipleFiles class#

class MultipleFiles(**kwargs)#

Class representing the MultipleFiles.Provides the user to select multiple files with intersecting data (for example, multiple runs of a test) and create a FileSet in the current HyperGraph session. Intersecting data refers to files that contain the same type, request, and component information. The constructor raises an exception if the creation of MultipleFiles fails.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of the MultipleFiles object.


Set the attributes of the MultipleFiles.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of MultipleFiles to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.


Method to create the File set from the Multiple Files. The method raises an error message for the following cases:

- If the directory path is not specified.
- If the directory path is not valid.
- If the fileList is empty.
- If the none of the files mentioned in the fileSet exists in the directory.
- If the creation of File Set failed.

Gets the information for the FileSet created.




Method to set the MultipleFiles attributes.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes

property curveAttributes#

The attribute for selecting the color scheme and line style for the curves. Options available:

- standard: Uses the standard HyperGraph method of cycling through
the eight colors and five line styles available.
- byFile: Uses the standard HyperGraph method of cycling through
the eight colors and five line styles available,
combining and alternating all curves from the file.
- bySelection: Uses the standard HyperGraph method of cycling through
the eight colors and five line styles available, combining
and alternating all curves depending on the selection.
- For one request and “n” components, HyperGraph cycles
through the combination of request and components.
- If “n” requests and one component, HyperGraph cycles
through the combination of component and requests.
- If “n” requests and “n” components, HyperGraph cycles
through the combination of requests and components.

Returns the attribute for selecting the color scheme and line style for the curves.


Sets the attribute for selecting the color scheme and line style for the curves.



property directory#

The directory path from where the multiple files are to be selected from.


Returns the directory path from where the multiple files are to be selected from.


Sets the directory path from where the multiple files are to be selected from.



property fileList#

The list of files selected from the directory. The fileList should contain the relative path for the files with respect to directory.


Returns the list of files selected from the directory.


Sets the list of files selected from the directory.



property ignoreStringFirstAppearanceString#

The attribute to specify the sub string to be ignored in the strings in requests for the MultipleFiles. This attribute is valid only when the ignoreStrings is specified as untilFirstAppearanceOfaString.


Returns the sub string to be ignored in the strings in requests for the MultipleFiles.


Sets the sub string to be ignored in the strings in requests for the MultipleFiles.



property ignoreStringFirstNcharacters#

The attribute to specify the number of characters to be ignored in the strings in requests for the MultipleFiles. This attribute is valid only when the ignoreStrings is specified as firstNcharacters.


Returns the number of characters to be ignored in the strings in requests for the MultipleFiles.


Sets the number of characters to be ignored in the strings in requests for the MultipleFiles.



property ignoreStrings#

The attribute to ignore strings in requests for the MultipleFiles. Options available:

- none: Option to not ignore strings in requests.
- untilFirstBlankspace: Option to ignore a string until the first blank space in the string.
- firstNcharacters: Option to ignore the first ‘N’ number of characters in the string.
To specify the number of characters, use the attribute ignoreStringFirstNcharacters.
- untilFirstAppearanceOfaString: Option to ignore the sub string till its first appearance.
To specify the sub string to ignore, use the attribute ignoreStringFirstAppearanceString.

Returns the option to ignore strings in requests for the MultipleFiles.


Sets the option to ignore strings in requests for the MultipleFiles.



property labelPrefixSuffix#

The label to allow you to add “extensions” to the curve name based on the filename, path, and different directory levels. Options available : [‘none’,’file’,’root’,’path’,’dir1’,’dir2’,’dir3’]


Returns the label to allow you to add “extensions” to the curve name.


Sets the label to allow you to add “extensions” to the curve name.



property name#

The name for the multiple files set. The default set name is File Selection 1 if not defined.


Returns the name for the multiple files set.


Sets the name for the multiple files set.



property typePrefixSuffix#

The flag to add the extension type selected to the beginning or end of the standard HyperGraph curve naming convention. Options available : [“prefix”, “suffix”, “none”]


Returns the flag to add the extension type selected to the beginning or end of the curve name.


Sets the flag to add the extension type selected to the beginning or end of the curve name.



Note class#

class Note(window: int | Window | None = None, page: int | str | Page | None = None, id: int | str = 0, **kwargs)#

A class representing a Note in XY Chart. Creates a Note for the given window and page. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes of the Note.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of Note to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property alignment: str#

Sets the text alignment for the note to left, right, center.

property attachTo: str#

Sets the attachment method for the note.The attachment can be: window, view, curve, coordinates.

property attachmentCurve: int#

Sets the index of the curve to which the note is attached.

property attachmentPoint: int#

Sets the index of the point on the curve to which the note is attached.

property attachmentXcoordinate: str#

Sets the expression for the x value to which the note is attached.

property attachmentYcoordinate: str#

Sets the expression for the y value to which the note is attached.

property autoPosition: bool#

Sets auto-positioned note

property autoPositionOffset: float#

Sets the padding/distance between notes as a percentage of the screen

property autoPositionStrategy: str#

Sets to specify the relative location of the note.The options can be: noOverlap, aboveLeft, aboveCenter, aboveRight, left, center, right, belowLeft, belowCenter, belowRight.

property backgroundColor: Color#

Sets the background border color of the note.

property borderColor: Color#

Sets the text border color of the note.

property borderThickness: int#

Sets the border thickness of the note.

property curveColor: Color#

Sets the note text color same as curve color.

property font: Font#

Sets the font of the note text.

property fontSize: int#

Sets the font size of the note text.

property format: str#

Sets scientific or fixed format in a note.

property formatScalarValues: bool#

Select this option to format scalar values in a note

property minimized: bool#

Sets note represented with an icon.

property minimizedColor: Color#

Sets the minimized icon color.

property minimizedRadius: float#

Sets the minimized icon radius.

property name: str#

Sets the title of the note.

property notePosition: float#

Sets the position of the note.

property placement: str#

Sets position your note in a specific location within the modeling window. Options include: default, leftTopCorner, leftBottomCorner, rightTopCorner, rightBottomCorner, userDefined.

property positionX: float#

Sets X Coordinate field to enter specific coordinates for the note’s placement

property positionY: float#

Sets Y Coordinate field to enter specific coordinates for the note’s placement

property precision: float#

Sets precision of Scientific or Fixed format in a note.

property text: str#

Sets the unevaluated text of the note.

property textAsDisplayed: str#

Gets the evaluated text of the note.

property textColor: int#

Sets the curve color for legend.

property visibility: bool#

Sets whether the note is displayed or hidden.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.