Green House Noise - Result Generation Tab

Define Green House Panels

Figure 1. Green House Noise - Results Generation tab

Follow this workflow to define green house panels.
Vehicle Type
Select Sedan or SUV.
Active Panels
Select the panel(s) to be included in the green house noise analysis. The panel's material and geometry can also be updated.
Click the Filter icon, , to display the Filter Panel dialog. Use this dialog to change the panel's status.
Apply Symmetry
Select this option to ensure the passenger side's glass material, geometry, and loads are the same as the driver's side.
Select Yes if the panel is laminated.
Figure 2.

Click Material Database to create and maintain the material properties as a database on a local or remote machine.
Use the Material, Laminate Material, and Laminate Thickness options to assign material properties to each panel.
Materials are defined as IsoElastic or ViscoElastic for glass and laminate materials, respectively. You can add and delete materials as necessary.
Figure 3.

Use the Damping Loss Factor and Damping Database options to create damping properties for each panel.
Damping is defined as structural or acoustic for cabin reverberation and panel materials, respectively.
Figure 4.

Signal Processing Parameters
From the Element Analysis tab, click Signal Processing Parameters to convert the transient data to frequency domain data (narrow band and broadband).
Figure 5.
Acoustic Cabin Space
Use the Acoustic Cabin Space tab to specify the acoustic cabin space volume, reverberation time, analysis frequency range, and analysis bandwidth of the output interior noise curves.
Figure 6.

Probes Analysis
Use Probes Analysis to post-process probes pressure results obtained from ultraFluidX.
  • Use probes or surface pressure transient result files as input for probes analysis.
  • Both frequency spectrum and transient signal plots can be displayed.
  • The time-domain signal is multiplied with the cp to pressure factor.
  • Options for the output type for the frequency domain can be PSD or SPL. You can generate a Narrowband or other octave band plot.
  • Use the individual or surface averaged response of elements for processing.
Figure 7.

Cut Plane Processing
Cut Plane Processing can be used to generate dBMap and frequency filtered transient animation.
Figure 8.

Advanced Options
From the Advanced Option panel, you can set the parameters required for acoustic dBMap and contribution calculations.
Figure 9.