Multiple Sample Analysis, Structures MSA - Load

Load a .tpl template file from a Structures MSA analysis.

Figure 1. NVH-Utilities Browser - Load tab (Structures MSA)

You can also load a *.tpl file from Job Manager > Select Job Directory > Select Run.

Figure 2. Selecting a file using the Job Manager

File selection
Select a Structures Multiple Sample Analysis template file and click Load. Upon reading the folder, the result selection fields are populated.
MSA Details
Details of the loaded multiple sample analysis run are populated.
Modal Parameters
Randomization parameters for the modal frequencies and damping.
List of modules with modal parameters randomization.
Parameters and range used for randomization: frequencies and damping.
Detail review of individual modal randomization parameters.
Connection Parameters
Randomization parameters for the connection stiffness and damping.
List of connections with randomization.
Parameters and range used for randomization: stiffness and damping.
Number Of Runs
Number of HyperStudy runs used in the analysis.
Result selection
The following fields are available under Result selection. Once the result selection options are complete, select Load Response to further investigate the results.
Select an analysis subcase.
Result type
Select a response result type. Options include:
  • Non Struct Displacement
  • Acceleration
  • Velocity
  • Displacement
Response ID
Grid ID of the response for which response results are available. Select one from the list.
Response label (optional)
Enter a label that describes the response, for example "Driver’s Ear".
Direction component
X, Y, or Z.
Review Run Matrix
The Review Run Matrix allows you to review the randomized parameter values used in hyperstudy runs generated using the Latin Hypercube method.
Display Options
The Display Options dialog allows you to customize the response plot, including scale, weighting, and the plot layout.
Load Response
Once the result selection options are complete, select Load Response to display the scatter of NVH response.
Figure 3. NVH Response Scatter plot (Structures MSA)