Energy Distribution - Display

After loading a file, select a method to display the energy contribution data.

Allows you to plot energy distribution on a bar chart.
First, enter a specific frequency in the Specific frequency field, or use the slider bar to select a frequency value. When you use the slider bar to select a frequency, a red line is displayed on the response plot and is dragged simultaneously as you drag the slider bar. The default scale is percentage (%), meaning all energy contributors are scaled by the total system energy, and plotted in percentages of it.
Comparator Level
Subsystem (L1) – Energy distribution is combined to the subsystem (modules next to the root or all connections in the assembly) level. See the Comparator Group Level table for more information.
Component (L2) – Energy distribution is combined to the component (module or connections owned by a module) level.
Contributor (L3) – Energy distribution is presented at the contributor (sum of FE components or individual connection) level.
Element (L4) – Energy distribution is presented at the individual FE element level (only available for Contour plots).
System Modes – Energy distribution is presented at the individual system modes level.
Show highest contrib.
Select the number of the highest contributors to display.
Available numbers are 1 though 20 in increments of 1, and All.
Optionally, you can filter energy contributors to a smaller set by selecting the Filter Contrib. dialog icon, .
Rank by
Magnitude - Contributors are ranked by their magnitude.
Magnitude AVG - Contributors are ranked by the average magnitude value over the frequency range.
Creates a contour plot of the energy distribution at a specific frequency.
Enter a frequency in the Specific frequency field, or use the slider bar to select a frequency value. When you use the slider bar to select a frequency, a red line is displayed on the response plot and is dragged simultaneously as you drag the slider bar.
All other options are similar to those for the Bar plot, except for the check box that turns on the exploded view. The default scale is linear.
2D Line
Creates a plot of energy distribution on a 2D line plot (overlay).
Frequency range indicates the available range, based on the frequencies used during the Energy Distribution Analysis.
Using the From and To fields, you can customize your own frequency band.
All other options are similar to those for the Bar plot. The default scale is percentage (%), meaning all energy contributors are scaled by the total system energy, and plotted in percentages of it.
Sand Dune
Creates a plot of energy distribution on a Sand Dune plot, in which each the energy contributor is added on top of others, giving each contributor a unique color band.
Frequency range indicates the available range, based on the frequencies used during the Energy Distribution Analysis.
Using the From and To fields, you can customize your own frequency band.
All other options are similar to those for the Bar plot. The default scale is percentage (%), meaning all energy contributors are scaled by the total system energy, and plotted in percentages of it.
3D Bar
Creates a plot of energy distribution on a 3D Bar plot.
Frequency range indicates the available range, based on the frequencies used during the Energy Distribution Analysis.
Using the From and To fields, you can customize your own frequency band.
All other options are similar to those for the Bar plot. The default scale is percentage (%), meaning all energy contributors are scaled by the total system energy, and plotted in percentages of it.
Display Options
Customize the plot, including scale, weighting, and the plot layout.
Click Display to display the response plot.
Figure 1. Bar plot

Figure 2. Contour plot

Figure 3. 2D line plot

Figure 4. Sand dune plot

Figure 5. 3D bar plot