Error Messages

The following list describes the card previewer error messages and the corresponding solutions.
Table 1.
Message Invalid variable <variable> in *setvariable() command.
Meaning The <variable> specified in the *menusetvariable() command was not between variable1 and variable20.
Solution Change the invalid variable to a valid variable name.
Message Attribute id <id> on entity does not match type in template.
Meaning The attribute's type did not match the type specified for the attribute in the template.
Cause The *defineattribute() command in the template may have been modified, a different template with the same *codename() was used to edit the entity, or an invalid entity was created by an input translator.
Solution You must clear the attributes for the solver off of the entity to edit the card.
Message Invalid entity type <type> specified in *menuentitytype().
Meaning A *menuentitytype() command with invalid type was present in the template file.
Solution Change the *menentitytype() command's parameter to be a valid entity name.
Table 2.
Message Too many <type> collectors used.
Meaning A maximum of 48 *menuentitytype() commands for the same entity type can be used in a card image. You have exceeded this limit.
Solution Reduce the number of *menuentitytype() commands for <type> to be less than 48.
Table 3.
Message Could not find entity <id> associated with attribute <attribute name>
Meaning An entity attribute holds an id without an entity.
Cause Entities may have been deleted or renumbered, or the *menuentitytype() command specifying the entity collected by this attribute was changed in the template file.
Solution None. The value is set to 0.
Table 4.
Message No attribute attached to menu item <name>.
Meaning An internal error has occurred while parsing an expression.
Solution Contact HyperMesh support. The data and template file are required to further investigate the problem.
Table 5.
Message No attribute attached to collector item <id>.
Meaning An internal error has occurred when a collector was selected.
Solution Contact HyperMesh support. The data and template file are required to further investigate the problem.
Table 6.
Message Could not find attribute named <name> in *menuoption(), skipping.
Meaning A *menuoption() or *menuoptionenum() command referenced <name> that does not have an *defineattribute() command.
Solution Change the *menuoption() or *menuoptionenum() command to reference a valid attribute name.
Table 7.
Message Could not find enumeration <enumeration> for *menuoptionenum().
Meaning *menuoptionenum() command referenced an <enumeration> that does not have an existing *enumeration() command.
Solution Change the *menuoptionenum() command to reference a valid enumeration.
Table 8.
Message Enumeration attribute <attribute> contains value <value> beyond limit of <maximum>.
Meaning <attribute> holds a <value> > <maximum>.
Cause Both *menuoptionenum() and *menufield() commands referencing <attribute> may exist in the template file. If this is the case, the user can type in <value> > <maximum>. An input translator may have also created <attribute> with the invalid <value>.
Solution If this occurs in a HyperMesh-developed template, contact HyperMesh support with the error. User generated templates can ensure that the value is within a certain range by using *menuif() and *menuattributeset() commands. Here is an example of how to limit an attribute's value to between 1 and 5.
*menuif([$ATTRIBUTE_NAME < 1])
*menuif([$ATTRIBUTE_NAME > 5])
Table 9.
Message Could not find attribute named <attribute>, skipping.
Meaning A *menufield() command referenced the attribute named <attribute> for which no *defineattribute() command exists.
Solution Change the *menufield() command to reference a valid attribute name.
Table 10.
Message Default value specified for always on attribute <attribute>.
Meaning A *menudefaultvalue() command modifies <attribute> that does not have a valid on/off value. The *menudefaultvalue() command will be ignored.
Cause The *menudefaultvalue() command in the template may have been added after the template was used on the current database, a different template with the same *codename() was used to edit the entity, or <attribute> was created with an invalid status by an input translator.
Table 11.
Message Failed to created attribute <attribute>.
Meaning An internal error has occurred in the card editor.
Solution Contact HyperMesh support. The data and template file are required to further investigate the problem.
Table 12.
Message Initial value expression for <attribute> could not be evaluated.
Meaning The expression specified in *menuinitialvalue() returned an error code. The <attribute> is created with the value 0 or a zero length string, depending on string.
Cause This error should only occur if you using the card editor on multiple entities.
Solution If you need the *menuinitialvalue() command to be executed, abort the editing on the current set of entities and edit them one at a time.
Table 13.
Message Initial value for <attribute> only valid for integer, real, or string.
Meaning A *menuinitialvalue() command references an attribute that was not of type integer, real, or string.
Solution Remove the *menuinitialvalue() command that references <attribute>.
Table 14.
Message Attribute <attribute> has different entity type (<entity>) than template.
Meaning A *menuentitytype() command conflicts with the entity type stored on <attribute>.
Cause The *menuentitytype() command modifying <attribute> in the template may have been changed after the template was used on the current database, two or more *menufield() commands referencing <attribute> with differing *menuentitytype() commands exists in the template file, a different template with the same *codename() was used to edit the entity, or <attribute> was created with an invalid entity type by an input translator.
Solution If a user-generated input translator is being used, make sure that attribute's entity type created by the translator matches that of the template file. Also check for and remove multiple *menufield()/*menuentitytype() commands referencing the same attribute in the block.
Table 15.
Message Failed to created entity attribute <attribute>.
Meaning An internal error has occurred in the card editor.
Solution Contact HyperMesh support. The data and template file are required to further investigate the problem.
Table 16.
Message Enumerated and legal input specified for <attribute>, legal ignored.
Meaning Both *menulegalvalue() and *menuenum() commands modify the same *menufield() command. The *menulegalvalue() commands are ignored.
Solution Remove either the *menuenum() command or all of the *menulegalvalue() modifiers from the *menufield() in question.
Table 17.
Message Enumerated and restricted input specified for <attribute>, restricted ignored.
Meaning Both *menurestrictedvalue() and *menuenum() commands modify the same *menufield() command. The *menurestrictedvalue() commands are ignored.
Solution Remove either the *menuenum() command or all *menurestrictedvalue() modifiers from the *menufield() in question.
Table 18.
Message Restricted and legal input specified for <attribute>, restricted ignored.
Meaning Both *menurestrictedvalue() and *menulegalvalue() commands modify the same *menufield() command. The *menurestrictedvalue() commands are ignored.
Solution Remove either all *menulegalvalue() commands or all *menurestrictedvalue() modifiers from the *menufield() in question.
Table 19.
Message menulegalvalue unsupported for storage type of <attribute>.
Meaning A *menulegalvalue() command modifies a *menufield() command that references an attribute that is not of type real, integer, or string.
Solution Remove the *menulegalvalue() modifier from the *menufield() command.
Table 20.
Message Illegal unsigned integer value returned for <data>.
Meaning An expression or data member value could not be displayed as an unsigned integer. The string "ERROR" is displayed in red for this field.
Solution Change the display type of this *menufield() command to real or exponential.
Table 21.
Message Illegal integer value returned for <data>.
Meaning An expression or data member value could not be displayed as an integer. The string "ERROR" is displayed in red for this field.
Solution Change the display type of this *menufield() command to real or exponential.
Table 22.
Message Illegal hexadecimal value returned for <data>.
Meaning An expression or data member value could not be displayed as a hexadecimal number. The string "ERROR" is displayed in red for this field.
Solution Change the display type of this *menufield() command to real or exponential.
Table 23.
Message No string data returned for <data>.
Meaning An expression or data member value could not be displayed as a string. The string "ERROR" is displayed in red for this field.
Solution Change the display type of this *menufield() command to something other than string.
Table 24.
Message beginrepeat - Expression <expression> could not be evaluated, skipping repeat block.
Meaning <expression> could not be evaluated for multiple entities.
Solution Reduce set of entities to use card editor until <expression> is resolvable.
Table 25.
Message Illegal repeat value return for <expression>.
Meaning A *beginrepeat() or *beginrepeat2d() command containing <expression> returned a value too large or too small. The repeat block is skipped.
Solution It is possible to get this error with valid data. Usually it is caused by a bad *menupointerset() command.
Table 26.
Message Illegal repeat 2d value return for <expression>.
Meaning A *beginrepeat() or *beginrepeat2d() command containing <expression> returned a value too large or too small. The repeat block is skipped.
Solution It is possible to get this error with valid data. Usually it is caused by a bad *menupointerset() command.
Table 27.
Message Invalid pointer name <pointer> in *menupointerset() command, ignoring.
Meaning The <pointer> specified in the *menupointerset() command was not between pointer1 and pointer20.
Solution Change the invalid pointer to a valid pointer name.
Table 28.
Message Invalid counter name <counter> in *menucounterset() command, ignoring.
Meaning The <counter> specified in the *menucounterset() command was not between pointer1 and pointer20.
Solution Change the invalid pointer to a valid counter name.
Table 29.
Message Error evaluating data for <counter>, setting to 0.
Meaning The expression in a *menucounterset() command could not be evaluated for this set of entities.
Solution Reduce the set of entities you are editing until the expression in *menucounterset() command can be evaluated.
Table 30.
Message Invalid variable name <variable> in *menuvariableset() command, ignoring.
Meaning The <variable> specified in the *menuvariableset() command was not between variable1 and variable20.
Solution Change the invalid variable to a valid variable name.
Table 31.
Message Error evaluating data for <variable>, setting to 0.
Meaning The expression in a *menuvariableset() command could not be evaluated for this set of entities.
Solution Abort editing the current set of entities, reduce the set of entities you are editing until the expression in *menuvariableset() command is evaluated.
Table 32.
Message Unable to find attribute <attribute> in *menuattributeset() command.
Meaning A *menuattributeset() command references an illegal attribute name.
Solution Change the attribute referenced by the *menuattributeset() command.
Table 33.
Message Could not find selected item <id>.
Meaning An internal error has occurred in the card editor.
Solution Contact HyperMesh support. The current model and template file are required to further investigate the problem.
Table 34.
Message Could not find tag attribute <attribute>.
Meaning A *cardmenuitem() command references an attribute that has no *defineattribute() command.
Solution Change <attribute> so that it references a valid attribute, or add a *defineattribute() command for <attribute>.
Table 35.
Message menuenum references undefined enumeration <name>.
Meaning An enumeration called <name> was not previously defined in the template file.
Solution Change <name> to match a valid enumeration name.
Table 36.
Message Output command reached before *beginmenu() for this entity.
Meaning The *output() command for this entity block, signifying the end of the block, was reached before a *beginmenu() command. Either the *beginmenu() does not exist in this entity block, or it was placed after the *output() command.
Solution Add or move the *beginmenu()/*endmenu() section before the *format() command for this block.
Table 37.
Message 2d array attribute <attribute> found outside of *repeat2d block().
Meaning Attributes of type arrayofreal2d and arrayofinteger2d can only be referenced in a *beginrepeat2d()/*endrepeat2d() section.
Solution Move the reference to <attribute> into a *beginrepeat2d()/ *endrepeat2d() section.
Table 38.
Message 2d array attribute <attribute> not resized properly (out of bounds).
Meaning An internal error has occurred in the card editor causing the array attribute to have the wrong size.
Solution Contact HyperMesh support. The data and template file are required to further investigate the problem.
Table 39.
Message Unknown attribute type <type number> found in attribute table.
Meaning An internal error has occurred in the card editor causing the array attribute to have the wrong size.
Solution Contact HyperMesh support. The data and template file are required to further investigate the problem.
Table 40.
Message *endmenu() command not reached for this entity.
Meaning The end of the template file was reached before the *endmenu() command.
Solution Add a *endmenu() command to match the last *beginmenu() command in template file.
Table 41.
Message *menuif() missing menuelse()/menuendif() command, aborting.
Meaning The end of the template file was reached before a *menuelse() or *menuendif() command for a *menuif() statement.
Solution Add a *menuendif() command to match the *menuif() command. Since the *menuif() commands can be nested, it may not be obvious which *menuif() is missing a *menuelse() or *menuendif() command.
Table 42.
Message *menuendif() command not found to terminate *menuelse() block.
Meaning The end of the template file was reached before a *menuendif() command was found to terminate a *menuif() and *menuelse() statement.
Solution Add a *menuendif() command to match the *menuif() command. Since the *menuif() commands can be nested, it may not be obvious which *menuif() is missing a *menuelse() or *menuendif() command.
Table 43.
Message Menu does not own pointer returned by strrgy.
Meaning An internal error has occurred in the card editor.
Solution Contact HyperMesh support. The data and template file are required to further investigate the problem.
Table 44.
Message Option attribute <attribute> not of type integer.
Meaning <attribute> referenced in a *menuoption() or *menuoptionenum() command was not an integer attribute.
Solution Changed the *menuoption() or *menuoptionenum() command so that it references an integer attribute.
Table 45.
Message Negative optioncount reached in case search block, aborting.
Meaning Too many *menuoptionend() commands exist in this block. There should be one *menuoptionend() command per *menuoption() or *menuoptionenum() command.
Solution Locate and remove the extra *menuoptionend() commands.
Table 46.
Message Invalid attribute <attribute> referenced in *beginrepeat() command.
Meaning The name <attribute> does not match a name in a *defineattribute() command.
Solution Change <attribute> to match the name of a valid attribute.
Table 47.
Message *beginrepeat() attribute <attribute> is not type integer.
Meaning Attributes specified in the *beginrepeat() command must be of type integer.
Solution Change the *beginrepeat() command to reference an integer attribute.
Table 48.
Message No *endrepeat() for zero length array.
Meaning The end of the template file was reached before a *endrepeat() command was found to match a *beginrepeat().
Solution Add a *endrepeat() command to match the *beginrepeat() command.
Table 49.
Message *endrepeat() found without matching *beginrepeat().
Meaning An extra *endrepeat() command exists in this block. There should be one *endrepeat() command per *beginrepeat() command.
Solution Locate and remove the extra *endrepeat() command.
Table 50.
Message *beginrepeat2d() found outside of *beingrepeat() block.
Meaning All *beginrepeat2d() commands must occur within a *beginrepeat()/*endrepeat() block.
Solution Move the *beginrepeat2d()/*endrepeat2d() block so that it occurs in a *beginrepeat()/*endrepeat() block.
Table 51.
Message Invalid attribute <attribute> referenced in *beginrepeat2d() command.
Meaning The name <attribute> does not match a name in a *defineattribute() command.
Solution Change <attribute> to match the name of a valid attribute.
Table 52.
Message *beginrepeat2d() attribute <attribute> is not type integer.
Meaning Attributes specified in the *beginrepeat2d() command must be of type integer.
Solution Change the *beginrepeat2d() command to reference an integer attribute.
Table 53.
Message No *endrepeat() for zero length array.
Meaning The end of the template file was reached before a *endrepeat() command was found to match a *beginrepeat().
Solution Add an *endrepeat() command to match the *beginrepeat() command.
Table 54.
Message *endrepeat2d() found without matching *beginrepeat2d().
Meaning An extra *endrepeat2d() command exists in this block. There should be one *endrepeat2d() command per *beginrepeat2d() command.
Solution Locate and remove the extra *endrepeat2d() command.