Save Files

Save all of the data in your current session.

Do one of the following:
  • From the Home tools, Files tool group, click the Save As tool.
    Figure 1.

  • Select a save option from the File menu.
  • Click File > Save As > HyperMesh Model to save a *.hm file.
  • Click File > Save As > Session to save a *.hlf file.
  • Press Ctrl + S to save a *.hm file or Ctrl + Shift + S to save as.
On Evaluation, session information is saved as an *.hlf file to a default directory. On Windows, this directory is C:\Users\<userid>\Documents\Fatigue\RunHistory\<run_name>.

On Linux, the directory is /usr/tmp/Fatigue/RunHistory/

You can change the directory from the Preferences dialog.