The <output> category specifies the main parameters for various types of simulation output.
Full Data | Surface | Section Cut | Partial Surface | Partial Volume | |
pressure | Default | Default | Default | Default | Default |
time_avg_pressure | Default | Default | Default | Optional | Optional |
window_avg_pressure | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional |
velocity | Default | Default1 | Default | Optional1 | Default |
time_avg_velocity | Default | N.A. | Default | N.A. | Optional |
window_avg_velocity | Optional | N.A. | Optional | N.A. | Optional |
velocity_magnitude | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional |
time_avg_velocity_magnitude | Optional | N.A. | Optional | N.A. | Optional |
window_avg_velocity_magnitude | Optional | N.A. | Optional | N.A. | Optional |
wall_shear_stress | Default | Default | N.A. | Default | N.A. |
time_avg_wall_shear_stress | Default | Default | N.A. | Optional | N.A. |
window_avg_wall_shear_stress | Optional | Optional | N.A. | Optional | N.A. |
density | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional |
time_avg_density | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional |
window_avg_density | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional |
surface_normal | Default | Default | N.A. | Optional | N.A. |
pressure_std 2 | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional |
pressure_var 2 | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional | Optional |
mesh_data | Default | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
1The surface velocity is 0 on static surfaces and non-zero if a wall velocity is prescribed using the <boundary_condition> - <rotating> section.
2 The variables <pressure_std> and <pressure_var> denote the standard deviation and variance of pressure. Their calculation is based on Welford’s algorithm.
<output> - <general>
- <merge_output_files>
- Default = false
- <delete_unmerged_output_files>
- Default = false
- <saved_states>
- Default = 0
- <avg_start_coarsest_iteration>
- Specifies after which coarsest iteration the continuous averaging of variables and force coefficients starts. The averaging itself also uses information from subiterations on the finer refinement levels.
- <file_format>
- Option to define whether the output should be in EnSight Gold, H3D, or both formats. <ensight> true/false, <h3d> true/false.
- <avg_window_size>
- Specifies the number of consecutive coarsest iterations that will be used for window averaging. This value should be a factor of <output_frequency>.
- <output_frequency>
- Specifies the number of coarsest iterations between consecutive outputs of the volume and the surface data in EnSight Gold format. You can specify fractions of 1 to obtain an output at the desired sub-time step level.
- <output_start_iteration>
- Default = 0
- <file_format>
- Default = ensight
- <output_coarsening>
- This is a set of output parameters that allows you to write output using
data which is coarser than what is used in the calculation itself. The
goal is to use fine voxels to capture the flow patterns during the
computation, but reduce the file size of outputs by combining the values
of several voxels into a single one during writing. Following the
strategy used during refinement, the coarsening combines 8 fine voxels
to achieve the next coarser level. Currently, the coarsening allows you
to combine data of up to 1 refinement level.Note: The output coarsening feature can be activated either globally for the full volume output, that is, in the <output><general> section, or for a subset of the volume data by specifying the parameters for partial volume instances.
- <export_uncoarsened_voxels> true/false. Default: false
- This parameter specifies how to handle voxels that cannot be coarsened. The coarsening follows the refinement path, that is, the fine voxels to be combined are those that originated from a coarser level during refinement. If this block of 2x2x2 fine voxels is not complete in the fine mesh, for example, due to a nearby boundary, then the coarse value cannot be reconstructed. Using this parameter, you can specify whether the remaining fine voxels should be printed or omitted from the output.
- <coarsest_target_refinement_level>
- Defines the refinement level up to which the coarsening should be performed; voxels that are already at this refinement level or coarser are written without any changes.
- <bounding_box>
- This section allows you to restrict the output to a subset of the full domain if values are set for: <x_min>, <x_max>, <y_min>, <y_max>, <z_min> and <z_max>.
- <output_variables_full>
- In this section, you can specify which of the variables listed in Table 1
should or should not be included in the full data output by setting
<variable_name> to true or false.Note: The default case is to export all variables, thus it is not required to explicitly set the variables to “true”; if not mentioned in this section, the variables are still written. To omit a variable from being written, you have to specifically set the corresponding solver deck entry to “false”.
- <output_variables_surface>
- In this section, you can specify which of the variables listed in Table 1
should be included and which should be excluded in the surface data
output by setting <variable_name> to true or false.Note: The default case is to export all variables, thus it is not required to explicitly set the variables to “true”; if not mentioned in this section, the variables are still written. To omit a variable from being written, you have to specifically set the corresponding solver deck entry to “false”.
<output> - <moment_reference_system>
This category specifies the properties of the moment reference system that is used to calculate the aerodynamic forces in a body-fixed coordinate system and also to calculate the pitch moment to be able to split the lift into front and rear part. The moment reference system is defined according to automotive aerodynamics conventions and needs to be placed in the center of the four support points defined by the wheel positions (in general on the ground plane).
As reference length, you need to indicate the wheel base (the distance between front and rear axle).
- <origin>
Default values = 0, 0, 0
- <roll_axis>
- Default values = 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
- <pitch_axis>
- Default values = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
- <yaw_axis>
- Default values = 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
<output> - <aero_coefficients>
This category specifies the properties that are connected to the output of the aerodynamic coefficients.
By default, the instantaneous and averaged aerodynamic coefficients are recorded at every coarsest iteration in the files uFX_coefficients_Inst.txt and uFX_coefficients_Avg.txt in the uFX_coefficientsData folder.
- <reference_area>
- The reference area used to calculate the aerodynamic coefficients (drag, lift, side force) in .
- <reference_area_auto>
- Default = true
- <reference_length>
- The reference length (in ) that is used to calculate the pitch moment to be able to subsequently calculate the front and rear lift coefficients. See <output> - <moment_reference_system>.
- <passive_parts>
- If certain parts of the geometry should be excluded from the calculation
of the aerodynamic coefficients, they can be specified via the child
parameter <name> within this category. The
specified names must match the respective part names in the
STL file. Note: domain_part_instances defined in the <geometry> tab need to be included here, if applicable.
- <coefficients_parts>
- Default = true
- <coefficients_along_axis>
- Specifies the number of sections along the x-, y- and z-direction of the object that should be used for the sectional coefficient output.
- <forces_and_moments_export>
- Default = false
- <output_start_iteration>
- Default = 0
<output> - <section_cut>
This category specifies section cuts on which field variables should be output independent from the general variable output. The same conventions apply for the EnSight Gold files and ultraFluidX will create a subfolder named uFX_sectionCuts, where the output of each section cut will be stored in a separate folder.
- <name>
- Name of the instance, used to create the respective subfolder in uFX_sectionCuts (mandatory).
- <axis>
- Normal axis of the instance, its direction must be specified via the child parameters <x_dir>, <y_dir> and <z_dir>.
- <point>
- Point on the instance, its coordinates must be specified via the child parameters <x_pos>, <y_pos> and <z_pos> in .
- <bounding_box>
- Bounding box of the instance, must be specified via the child parameters <x_min>, <x_max>, <y_min>, <y_max>, <z_min> and <z_max> in .
- <output_frequency>
- Specifies the number of coarsest iterations between consecutive outputs. Fractions of 1 are allowed to get an output at the desired sub-time step level.
- <output_start_iteration>
- Default = 0
- <triangulation>
- Default = false
- <output_variables>
- (Optional) In this section, you can specify which variables should be included in the section cut output by setting <variable_name> to true or false. The possible options are listed in Table 1.
<output> - <partial_surface>
This category specifies parts on which surface variables should be output independent from the general variable output. The same conventions apply for the EnSight Gold files and ultraFluidX will create a separate folder in the subfolder named uFX_surfaceData, where the output of each part will be stored.
The category can have an arbitrary number of children named <partial_surface_instance>, each with the following parameters:
- <name>
- (Optional) Name of the instance.
- <parts>
- The part(s) on which the surface variables should be output, must be specified with the parameter <name> within the <parts> category. Several parts with the same output behavior can be specified via repeated usage of <name>. The specified names must exactly match the respective part names in the STL file.
- <output_frequency>
- Specifies the number of coarsest iterations between consecutive outputs. You can specify fractions of 1 to obtain an output at the desired sub-time step level.
- <output_start_iteration>
- Default = 0
- <bounding_box>
- This section allows you to restrict the partial surface output to the area enclosed within the required values for: <x_min>, <x_max>, <y_min>, <y_max>, <z_min> and <z_max>.
- <output_variables>
- In this section, you can specify which variables should be included in the section cut output by setting <variable_name> to true or false. The possible options are listed in Table 1.
<output> - <partial_volume>
- <name>
- Name of the instance, used to create the respective folder (mandatory).
- <bounding_box>
- Bounding box of the instance, must be specified via the child parameters <x_min>, <x_max>, <y_min>, <y_max>, <z_min> and <z_max> in .
- <output_frequency>
- Specifies the number of coarsest iterations between consecutive outputs. You can specify fractions of 1 to obtain an output at the desired sub-time step level.
- <output_start_iteration>
- Default = 0
- <output_coarsening> (see <output><general> for more details) <active> true/false. Default: false
- Indicates whether output coarsening should be used for all subsequent outputs.
- <export_uncoarsened_voxels> true/false. Default: false
- This parameter specifies whether voxels that cannot be coarsened should be printed or omitted from the output.
- <coarsest_target_refinement_level>
- Defines the refinement level up to which the coarsening should be performed.
- <output_variables>
- In this section, you can specify which variables should be included in
the section cut output by setting
<variable_name> to true or false. The
possible options are listed in Table 1. Note: If no variables are chosen explicitly, the full set will be exported; otherwise, only the variables that are indicated in this section are written.
<output> - <single_probe>
This category specifies single probes, where instantaneous surface data or volume data should be output independent from the general variable output. The files are stored in the uFX_probeData folder. Each probe creates one .csv file per output variable, plus an additional file that contains the probe locations (uFX_volumeProbes_***_location.csv and uFX_surfaceProbes_***_location.csv).
- <name>
- (Mandatory) Name of the instance used to create the respective file or subfolder.
- <x_pos>, <y_pos>, <z_pos>
- Respective coordinate of the probe in .
- <type>
- Specifies if data from the nearest voxel (volume) or from the nearest surface triangle (surface) should be output.
- <radius>
- Specifies the radius [m] of a fictitious sphere whose containing data sources are used to determine the mean value(s) of the requested variable(s).
- <output_frequency>
- Specifies the number of coarsest iterations between consecutive outputs. Fractions of 1 are allowed to get an output at the desired sub-time step level.
- <scientific_notation>
- Default = true
- <output_precision>
- Default = 7
- <output_variables>
- In this section, you can specify which variables should be included in the probe output by setting <variable_name> to true or false. The possible options depend on the probe type:
- <output_start_iteration>
- Default = 0
<output> - <probe_file>
This category specifies probe files containing multiple locations where instantaneous surface data or volume data should be output independent from the general variable output.
The files are stored in the uFX_probeData folder. Each probe file instance will create one .csv file per output variable, plus an additional file that contains the probe locations (uFX_volumeProbes_***_location.csv and uFX_surfaceProbes_***_location.csv).
Depending on the type of the probe file, ultraFluidX will either create a single *.csv file containing the transient Cp data (surface probes, uFX_surfaceProbes_#NAME.csv) or multiple *.csv files containing pressure, velocity magnitude and velocity component data (volume probes, uFX_volumeProbes_#NAME_Variable_Name) for recording the data.
- <name>
- Name of the instance, used to create the respective file(s) or subfolder (mandatory).
- <source_file>
- Source file containing the probe locations in *.csv
format without header, each line defines a probe with the coordinates in
, which must be separated by semicolons:
- <type>
- Specifies if data from the nearest voxel (volume) or from the nearest surface triangle (surface) should be output for each probe location.
- <radius>
- Specifies the radius [m] of a fictitious sphere whose containing data sources are used to determine the mean value(s) of the requested variable(s).
- <output_frequency>
- Specifies the number of coarsest iterations between consecutive outputs. Fractions of 1 are allowed to get an output at the desired sub-time step level.
- <scientific_notation>
- Default = true
- <output_precision>
- Default = 7
- <output_variables>
- In this section, you can specify which variables should be included in the probe output by setting <variable_name> to true or false. The possible options depend on the probe type:
- <output_start_iteration>
- Default = 0
<output> - <monitoring_surface>
This category specifies monitoring surfaces, which are arbitrarily shaped, user-defined surfaces for additional post-processing. Monitoring surfaces can be used for the additional visual output of flow field quantities on the respective surface, or for the output of integral values in a summary file.
The files are stored in the uFX_monitoringSurface folder.
- <name>
- Name of the instance (mandatory).
- <parts>
- The part(s) which define the monitoring surface. Must be specified with the parameter <name> within the <parts> category. Several parts can be specified via repeated usage of <name>. The specified names must exactly match the respective part names in the STL file.
- <visual_output>
- <output_frequency>
- Specifies the number of coarsest iterations between consecutive outputs. You can specify fractions of 1 to obtain an output at the desired sub-time step level.
- <output_start_iteration>
- Default = 0
- <output_variables>
- In this section, you can specify which variables should be
included in the visual output by setting
<variable_name> to true or
false. The possible options include:
- pressure
- time_avg_pressure
- window_avg_pressure
- velocity
- time_avg_velocity
- window_avg_velocity
- velocity_magnitude
- time_avg_velocity_magnitude
- window_avg_velocity_magnitude
- mass_flow
- time_avg_mass_flow
- window_avg_mass_flow
- normal_velocity
- time_avg_normal_velocity
- window_avg_normal_velocity
- density
- time_avg_density
- window_avg_density
- pressure_std
- pressure_var
- <summary_output>
- <output_frequency>
- Specifies the number of coarsest iterations between consecutive outputs. You can specify fractions of 1 to obtain an output at the desired sub-time step level.
- <output_start_iteration>
- Default = 0
- <output_variables>
- In this section, you can specify which variables should be
included in the summary output by setting
<variable_name> to true or
false. The possible options include:
- pressure
- time_avg_pressure
- window_avg_pressure
- mass_flow
- time_avg_mass_flow
- window_avg_mass_flow
- normal_velocity
- time_avg_normal_velocity
- window_avg_normal_velocity
- pressure_std
- pressure_var