
<output> - <general> - <frozen_surface_geometry>
The “frozen geometry” output combines the geometry inside the Overset Mesh region at its initial state with the associated transient data. This facilitates the creation of dB maps for rotating geometries and advanced other data processing. Additional *_frozenGeometry.geo, *_frozenGeometry.case, and *_frozenGeometry.sos files are created for the general surface output. The *.data files are reused from the rotating (non-frozen) output.
false (default)
<output>- <general> - <merge_output_files>
You are provided the option to merge only a subset of output files. When set to true, activates the multi-node EnSight output of the specific category/instance that should be merged after the simulation has finished. Can be used on section_cut, partial_surface, partial_volume and visual output of monitoring_surface.
false (default)
<output> - <partial_surface> - <partial_surface_instance> - <frozen_surface_geometry>
Similar to the general surface output, the “frozen geometry” output for partial surfaces combines the geometry inside the Overset Mesh region at its initial state with the associated transient data. Additional *_frozenGeometry.geo, *_frozenGeometry.case, and *_frozenGeometry.sos files are created for the respective partial surface output. The *.data files are reused from the rotating (non-frozen) output.
false (default)
<output>- <high_fidelity_mapping>
High-fidelity mapping improves the mapping of boundary voxel data to a (in relation to the local voxel size) coarser surface mesh. For this purpose, the surface mesh is internally split into finer virtual triangles, and the data obtained is then averaged and written on the original coarse output triangles. This feature improves the output quality for CAA/GHN purposes while maintaining a reasonable output size and is controlled by the following parameters:
When activated, the triangles on the surface which it is applied to are split to the local voxel’s size (temporarily). The average of the quantities is used to calculate the value on the coarse input triangle (from the internally created fine triangles, weighted with their respective area). The information is propagated back to the coarse input triangles. Applying HFM on a surface does incur computational cost and should be applied with caution as such.
false (default)
Default value: 1.0
This factor is applied to the local voxel size to determine a splitting threshold for the triangle edges. Any triangle edge in the considered surface mesh exceeding the threshold is split in half until the resulting edges are below the threshold. Setting this factor to zero or a negative value makes the variable inactive.
The category <high_fidelity_mapping> can (optionally) have an arbitrary number of children named <high_fidelity_mapping_instance> which share the parameters above but additionally specify part names:
<output>- <high_fidelity_mapping> - <high_fidelity_mapping_instance>
Similar to the general surface output, the high-fidelity mapping on a specific surface.
false (default)
<max_relative_edge_length> (see above)
The part(s) on which the high-fidelity mapping should be output. Several parts can be called in the same instance. The specified names must exactly match the respective part names in the STL file.
<output>- <general> - <mesh_displacement>
If set to true, mesh displacement will be written out. Can be used everywhere except for monitoring surfaces and probe output.
<output>- <general> - <time_varying_geometry_output>
true (default)
If set to true, time varying geometry output will be written out.
Note: If time_varying_geometry_output is set to false, the geometry is exported at iter=0 and new geo files are not written every time the output is called.