Launching OPTFEKO

Run OPTFEKO and view the output of the optimisation progress.

The following steps are performed in POSTFEKO, but the optimiser can also be launched from CADFEKO

  1. On the Home tab, in the Run/Launch group, click the  OPTFEKO icon.
    Note: The Executing optfeko dialog is displayed in a condensed format.

    Click Details to view any problems encountered during the optimisation process.

    Figure 1. The Executing optfeko dialog in condensed format.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the Executing optfeko window output to view the onvergence information, as well as the optimal parameters.
    Note: Sensitivity information is included if sufficient data is available for the analysis.

    Figure 2. The Executing optfeko dialog with details.
    The Executing optfeko window displays the optimum values as follows:
    • alpha: 81.416°
    • d: 0.786 meters