Viewing the Near Fields

Display the calculated near fields in the 3D view. Animate the instantaneous near field.

  1. Select the 3D View1 window.
  2. Enable mesh opacity to view the near field inside the waveguide.
    1. On the 3D View contextual tabs set, on the Mesh tab, in the Opacity group, click the  Mesh opacity icon. From the drop-down list, select a value of 40%.
  3. On the Home tab, in the Add results group, click the  Near Fields icon. From the drop-down list, select NearField1.
  4. Animate the phase of the near field.
    1. In the result palette, in the Quantity panel, select Instantaneous magnitude.
    2. On the 3D View contextual tabs set, on the Animate tab, on the Settings group, click the  Type icon. From the drop-down list, select the Phase icon.
  5. Start the animation process.
    1. On the 3D View contextual tabs set, on the Animate tab, on the Control group, click the  Play icon.
    2. Stop the animation by clicking the Play icon again.

Figure 1. The near field in the power divider (refer to the WebHelp to view the animation of the instantaneous magnitude).