Creating a Transmission Line
Create a transmission line using a polyline curve with four corners. The length of the polyline is 12 m along the Y axis, placed 50 mm above ground.
On the Construct tab, in the Create Curve group, click the Polyline icon.
Under Corner 1, add the following coordinates:
- Corner 1: (0, 2 0)
In the table, click on the second row to make Corner 2
active. Under Corner 2, add the following coordinates:
- Corner 2: (0, 2, 0.05)
Click on Add row. Under Corner 3,
add the following coordinates:
- Corner 3: (0, 14, 0.05)
Click on Add row. Under Corner 4,
add the following coordinates:
- Corner 4: (0, 14, 0)
- Set the label to Transmission_line.
- Click Create to create the polyline and to close the dialog.
Zoom to extents of the 3D view using one of the following
- On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click the Zoom to extents icon.
- Press F5 to use the keyboard shortcut.