Creating a Transmission Line

Create a transmission line using a polyline curve with four corners. The length of the polyline is 12 m along the Y axis, placed 50 mm above ground.

  1. On the Construct tab, in the Create Curve group, click the  Polyline icon.

    Figure 1. The Create Polyline dialog.
  2. Under Corner 1, add the following coordinates:
    • Corner 1: (0, 2 0)
  3. In the table, click on the second row to make Corner 2 active. Under Corner 2, add the following coordinates:
    • Corner 2: (0, 2, 0.05)
  4. Click on Add row. Under Corner 3, add the following coordinates:
    • Corner 3: (0, 14, 0.05)
  5. Click on Add row. Under Corner 4, add the following coordinates:
    • Corner 4: (0, 14, 0)
  6. Set the label to Transmission_line.
  7. Click Create to create the polyline and to close the dialog.
  8. Zoom to extents of the 3D view using one of the following workflows:
    • On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click the  Zoom to extents icon.
    • Press F5 to use the keyboard shortcut.