Topics Discussed in Example

Before starting this example, check if the topics discussed in this example are relevant to the intended application and experience level.

The topics discussed in this example are:
    • Create a monopole using a line. Specify the local wire radius for the monopole.
    • Create the transmission line using a polyline.
    • Define a ground plane using an infinite ground plane.
    • Add a port and voltage source to the monopole.
    • Specify the radiated power of the model.
    • Add a port and complex load to the transmission line.
    • Set the solution frequency. Use adaptive frequency sampling to obtain continuous data.
    • Mesh the model.
    • Run CEM validate to ensure the model is electromagnetically validated.
    • Run the Solver.
    • View the simulated input impedance and currents on a graph.
    • Change the line colour, marker style, marker colour of a trace on the graph.
    • Add shapes (line, arrow, rectangle or circle) to highlight certain areas on the graph.
Note: Follow the example steps in the order it is presented as each step uses its predecessor as a starting point.
Tip: Find the completed model in the application macro library1:

GS 5: EMC Coupling

1 The application macro library is located on the Home tab, in the Scripting group. Click the Application Macro icon and from the drop-down list, select Getting Started Guide.