Setting Faces to PEC

Change the surface property of the patch to perfect electric conductor (PEC).

  1. Change the face of the patch to PEC.
    1. In the 3D view, left-click on the patch face repeatedly until the face is highlighted in yellow.

      Figure 1. Top view of patch and substrate. The yellow highlighting indicates that the patch face is selected.
    2. From the right-click context menu, select Properties.
    3. On the Modify Face dialog (Properties tab), set the Medium to Perfect electric conductor.

      Figure 2. The Modify Face dialog.
    4. Click OK to change the face property and to close the dialog.

    Figure 3. Top view showing the face of the patch set to PEC.
  2. Change the face of the bottom substrate to PEC.
    1. In the model tree, select Union1.
    2. In the details tree, under Faces, go through the list of faces. For each face, click on to hide the face until only the bottom face (Face6) of the substrate remains.

      Figure 4. Hidden items are greyed out when hidden in the 3D view.
    3. From the right-click context menu, select Properties.
    4. On the Modify Face dialog (Properties tab), set Medium to Perfect electric conductor.
    5. Click OK to modify the face property and to close the dialog.

      Figure 5. Bottom view showing the bottom substrate face set to PEC.
    6. In the details tree, click on any of the faces. From the right-click context menu, click Show All to make faces visible again.
Note: The icon in the details tree indicate faces set to PEC.