Shut Down a Project

Any user with ADMIN privileges can shut down a project. However, only the project owner can restart it.

To shut down a project's vovserver, use one of the following methods. If some project data are missing (registry entry, setup.tcl, etc.) see 'Last-ditch shutdown' below.
  • From the GUI, select Project > Close console and stop project
  • From the CLI, use either % vovproject stop project or
    % vovproject stop      ; ## 
    % vovstop -project     ; ## New as of 8.2.1
    % vovleader -K server  ; ## (last-resort below)

    After confirmation, the server executes the shutdown procedure and exits. The shutdown procedure may take a while, depending on the size of the trace and the speed of storage, while the vovserver is saving its data.

  • From the browser interface, visit the "/admin" page and select the Shut Down link, confirming when prompted.

It is important to use one of these procedures to shut down vovserver cleanly. This releases the license resources and saves the flow information into the database so it will be up-to-date when restarting the project.

All of the data associated with the project is preserved, which enables restarting the project with vovproject start ....

To eliminate the VOV data associated with the project, refer to Destroy a Project. Destroying a project removes its registry entry and <project>.swd directory.

Last-resort vovserver Shutdown Method

If some of the project setup data has been lost or removed, standard methods will not work to shut down vovserver cleanly. In these cases, enter the project environment, and use the vovleader -K server command to shut down vovserver.
  • Registry entry absent ($VOVDIR/local/registry/project@host)

    If the project's registry entry is missing, you can not use regular vovproject enable to enter the project context.

    If the <project>.swd/setup.tcl file is present, you can enable the project this way:
    % cd /path-to-dir/project.swd 
    % ves ./setup.tcl
  • No setup.tcl file (.../path-to/<project>.swd/setup.tcl)
    If the project's setup.tcl file is absent, you can shut down vovserver cleanly by setting the environment variables manually.
      + use 'ps -aef' command to determine vovserver owner if needed
      + use 'netstat' command or /proc on Linux to determine vovserver port
      + get shell on vovserver host as project owner
      % setenv VOV_HOST_NAME localhost
      % setenv VOV_PROJECT_NAME project-name
      % setenv VOV_PORT_NUMBER NNNN
        (the TCP/IP port on which vovserver listens)
      % vovleader -K server
        (answer 1 to stop vovserver, 2 to cancel)

Automated Script Calls for vovserver Shutdown

Using the autostop facility, scripts can be automatically called upon vovserver shutdown. To enable this feature:
  • In the server working directory, create a directory named autostop.
  • Create a Tcl script within that directory.
Additional information:
  • csh scripts are supported in UNIX.
  • This feature can be called in CLI with the vovautostop utility.
Note: This feature is similar to the autostart facility that is called upon vovserver startup.