For Accelerator Installation Only

Accelerator requires one extra step during the install. This step creates a set_UID executable that Accelerator uses so that jobs can run under the ID of the user who submits them. This step requires root capability to have it run correctly.

If you do not have root privileges, or if you are performing an evaluation, you can postpone this step. You can still run the software in single user mode, but you will not be able to run it correctly with multiple users due to permission issues.

You must be logged in as root or have sudo privileges to perform this step correctly to create the vovtaskerroot binary for each installed platform.
Note: You must run the script exactly as shown in the next example. The script will not work correctly unless it is executed from the specified directory.

The following script creates a set-UID executable called vovtaskerroot so that jobs can be run under the ID of the user who submits them. This script also sets the set-UID bit in vovgetpasswd for Linux.

To complete the installation, you need to login as root and install the binary for vovtaskerroot by means of the following commands:
% /bin/su -
# cd <install_path><version>
# sh ./scripts/
# exit
For example:
% /bin/su -
# cd /opt/rtda/2020.1
# sh ./scripts/
# exit
At this point, installation is complete.