Install Third Party Software: FlexNet Publisher Utilities: lmutil/lmstat

If you are installing FlowTracer, Accelerator or Monitor and need to either monitor licenses managed by FlexNet Publisher through Monitor, or use FlowTracer or Accelerator to execute applications that use FlexNet Publisher for license management, you will need to be able to execute the FlexNet Publisher lmutil utility, which is used to gather license utilization status.

This means you will need to install lmutil to provide support for this feature.

  1. Get the latest version of lmutil for the operating system that matches that of the Monitor server.
    Note: Some FlexNet Publisher license daemons may require specific versions of lmutil.
  2. Install lmutil under $VOVDIR/bin so it can act as the default binary to use when a binary is not specified in the configuration.
    $VOVDIR is the directory within your Altair Accelerator application installation that holds the files that are executables that run on the server platform.
    % cd $VOVDIR/bin
    % cp <path>/lmutil .
    % chmod a+rx lmutil
    % ln -s lmutil lmstat
    % ln -s lmutil lmremove
    For example:
    % cd $VOVDIR/bin
    % cp /tools/flexlm/bin/lmutil .
    % chmod a+rx lmutil
    % ln -s lmutil lmstat
    % ln -s lmutil lmremove