Rerun from the CLI

The command vsr is used to issue rerun requests. The target to update can be a file, a directory, a set, or a list of files directories and sets.

Try the following commands:
% touch aa
% vsr bb
| Retrace : tmp:retrace:to ${HOME}/simple_test/bb
| Id : 00000848
| Requested by: john@tahoe:0.0
| Priority : NORMAL
| Mode : SAFE
| Work to do : 1 tools
| Status : Completing in: 1s.
beatty<-- vw cp aa bb
| Retrace : tmp:retrace:to ${HOME}/simple_test/bb
| Id : 00000848
| Requested by: john@tahoe:0.0
| Priority : NORMAL
| Mode : SAFE
| Work to do : 1 tools
| Status : DONE. Expected duration: 1s Actual: 1s (100%)
% vsr .
| Retrace : tmp:retrace:dir ${HOME}/simple_test
| Id : 00001219
| Requested by: john@tahoe:0.0
| Priority : NORMAL
| Mode : SAFE
| Work to do : 3 tools
| Status : Completing in: 3s.
beatty<-- vw cp bb cc
beatty<-- vw cp cc dd1
beatty<-- vw cp cc dd2
| Retrace : tmp:retrace:dir ${HOME}/simple_test
| Id : 00001219
| Requested by: john@tahoe:0.0
| Priority : NORMAL
| Mode : SAFE
| Work to do : 3 tools
| Status : DONE. Expected duration: 3s Actual: 10s (333%)
% vsr -all
... output omitted ...