Job Control

Accelerator provides several commands of job controls, including wait, stop and forget.

Wait for Jobs

Besides option -w and -wl with nc run command, you can also wait for job(s) to finish (Done or Failed) after they are submitted using the command nc wait. Here are some examples:
Get usage help
% nc wait -h
Wait for a job
% nc run sleep 10
Resources= linux
Env      = D(VOV_ENV_SOURCE=vnc_logs/envdexin36362.env)
Command  = vw vwrap sleep 10
Logfile  = vnc_logs/20021231/140024.23307
JobId    = 04213283
nc: message: Scheduled jobs: 1       Total estimated time: 0s

% nc wait 04213283
Wait for all jobs in current directory
% nc wait -dir .
nc: message: Job 04193913 is already FAILED
nc: message: Job 04193915 is already FAILED
nc: message: Job 04193917 is already FAILED
nc: message: Job 04193919 is not scheduled
nc: message: Job 04194308 is not scheduled
nc: message: Job 04211259 is already FAILED
nc: message: Job 04211268 is not scheduled
nc: message: Job 04213283 is already VALID
nc: message: Job 04213297 is already VALID
nc: message: Exiting with status 2 (Failed jobs)
Wait for all jobs using tool spice
% nc wait -select "tool==spice"
In the above example we use "Selection Rules" to perform a "wait" on those jobs that satisfy that rule. This could be useful for other commands as well, including nc list, nc forget, etc. Refer to the Altair Accelerator User Guide for more information.

Forget Jobs

The Accelerator server remembers the jobs you submitted for some configurable time. You can explicitly forget them by nc forget command, which will delete all job information from the server database.
Get a list of jobs
% nc list
04146420 Done    sleep 1    #in the form of "jobId status command"
04146425 Done    sleep 5
04146427 Running sleep 10
04146429 Running sleep 15
04146431 Queued  sleep 20
04146433 Queued  sleep 60
Forget some of them
% nc forget 04146420 04146425
nc: message: Forgetting 2 jobs
List jobs again (notice those two are gone)
% nc list
04146427 Done    sleep 10
04146429 Done    sleep 15
04146431 Done    sleep 20
04146433 Done    sleep 60
Forget all my jobs
% nc forget -mine
nc: message: Forgetting 4 jobs 

Stop Jobs

A job can be stopped when it is either Running or Queued. Stopping a job does not forget it from the server database. "Running" jobs will exit, and "Queued" jobs will be dequeued when you stop them.

Stop some jobs
% nc run sleep 60
Resources= linux
Env      = D(VOV_ENV_SOURCE=vnc_logs/envdexin36362.env)
Command  = vw vwrap sleep 60
Logfile  = vnc_logs/20021231/140803.23386
JobId    = 04213393
nc: message: Scheduled jobs: 1       Total estimated time: 0s

nc stop 04213393
nc: message: Stopping RETRACING job 04213393
Stop all my jobs
% nc stop -mine
nc: message: Stopping RETRACING job 04146627
nc: message: Stopping RETRACING job 04146629
nc: message: De-queuing  job 04146631
nc: message: De-queuing  job 04146633