Database Engine Versions and Upgrades

Accelerator includes version 14.4 of the PostgreSQL database engine that is used by the VOV database daemon vovdb. This section describes how to determine if a database upgrade will be needed when upgrading the Accelerator product software.

Database Engine Versions

PostgreSQL 14.4 is an improved and updated database version. An existing database created with PostgreSQL 9.4 or 9.6 cannot be used directly in 14.4; it must be upgraded. The upgrade process is described in Database Upgrades. When you plan to upgrade an existing Accelerator project from a Accelerator software version with PostgreSQL 9.4 or 9.5 to a Accelerator version with PostgreSQL 14.4, you will need to choose a database upgrade strategy from the options described in the Altair Accelerator Software Installation Guide.

To determine the running Accelerator project’s PostgreSQL version, visit the System > Database Configuration web UI page. If the PostgreSQL version is 14.4, then you may simply upgrade Accelerator via the Software Upgrade Instructions section in the manual.