Use Accelerator Help

Accelerator documentation is available in HTML and PDF format.

Access the Help when Accelerator is Running

When Accelerator is running, it displays the documentation through its browser interface. To access it from browser, you need to know which host and port Accelerator is running on. Ask your administrator, or find the URL for Accelerator with the following command:
% Accelerator cmd vovbrowser
In the example below, assume Accelerator is running on host comet, port 6271. The URL for Accelerator is:
To get the entire suite of Altair Accelerator documents, including FlowTracer™, Accelerator™, Monitor™ and the VOV subsystem, use the following URL:

Access the Help when Accelerator is not Running

All the documentation files are in the Altair Accelerator install directory, so you can access them even if vovserver is not running. To do this, open /installation_directory/common/doc/html/bookshelf/index.htm in your browser.
Tip: Bookmark the above URL for future reference.

Access the Help PDF Files

Altair Accelerator also provides PDF files for each of the guides. All the PDF files are in the directory /installation_directory/common/doc/pdf

Access the Help via the Command Line

The main commands of Accelerator are nc and ncmgr, with some subcommands and options. You can get usage help, descriptions and examples of the commands by running the command without any options, or with the -h option. For example,
% nc info -h
nc:  NC INFO:
nc:  Get information about a specific job or list of jobs.
nc:  USAGE:
nc:  % nc info <jobId> [options]...
nc:   -h      -- Show this message
nc:   -l      -- Show the log file

Access the Help via the vovshow Command

Another source of live information is using the command vovshow. The following options are often useful:
vovshow -env RX
Displays the environment variables that match the regular expression RX provided.
vovshow -fields
Shows the fields known to the version of VOV in use.
vovshow -failcodes
Shows the table of known failure codes.
For example, to find a variable that controls the name of the stdout/stderr files, without knowing the exact name of that variable, the following command can be used:
% vovshow -env STD
VOV_STDOUT_SPEC           Control the names of file used to save stdout and
                          stderr. The value is computed by substituting
                          the substrings @OUT@ and @UNIQUE@ and @ID@.
                          Examples: % setenv VOV_STDOUT_SPEC
                          .std@OUT@.@UNIQUE@ % setenv VOV_STDOUT_SPEC

The output provides a description of all the variables used by the FlowTracer system that include the substring "STD". In this example, the output resultVOV_STDOUT_SPEC.