Create a New Project

Open the PCB Data

Use the File menu to open physical PCB design data. Since PollEx PCB has interfaces to many third-party layout tools, this capability allows you to bring in PCB design data produced by other third-party layout tools to PollEx DFE+.

From the menu bar, click File > Open. The Explorer dialog opens. From the File Selection dialog, select a PollEx PCB file (.pdbb) to complete the process of importing a PollEx PCB design.

Create Design Project

PollEx DFE+ is based on a design project database containing entire data of a PCB design including the materials, parts, physical layout, analysis models, and analysis result data. With the use of the unified design project database, this application can be commonly used by multiple engineering disciplines.

Use the File menu to create a new design project directory from scratch. Upon selecting the menu, a default design project name.

You can enter a new project name and select the project folder to put in the design folder. If a PollEx PCB design project is already existing for the PCB design, instead of creating a new design project, you can share the PollEx PCB design project by selecting the PollEx PCB design project folder for the New project name.

When you create a project and enter a design name, design_name.pdbb, related files are copied into that project directory. Along with progress on design and validation process, additional folders and files are automatically generated under the project folder. Since PollEx DFE+ finds the necessary files in the prescribed design folder structure, it is important to not delete or move files in the design folder.

The project folder and its contents are shared with other PollEx applications such as PollEx SI, PollEx PI, and PollEx Thermal.

The netlist and component list of sample design are:
No Reference Name Part Name Pin Q'ty
1 U1 IC-NXP4330 513
2 U204 H5TQ4G63AFR 96
3 U205 H5TQ4G63AFR 96
4 CN1 47151-0001 23
5 RA1 RA1005J000CS 8
6 RA2 RA1005J000CS 8
7 CN2 675031020-BF-CN2 5
8 X101 ASFL1-16MHZ 4
9 Q1 BSS123 3
10 Q2 BSS123 3
11 C82 CLL5Y104MQ3NLNC 2
12 C83 CLL5Y104MQ3NLNC 2
13 C84 CLL5Y104MQ3NLNC_B 2
14 C85 CL10Y106MQ8NRNC 2
15 C86 CL10Y106MQ8NRNC 2
16 C103 CL05C150JB5NNND 2
17 C104 CL05C150JB5NNND 2
18 C105 CL05C150JB5NNND 2
19 C106 CL05C150JB5NNND 2
20 C109 CL05F103ZB5NNNC_B 2
21 C113 CLL5Y104MQ3NLNC_B 2
22 C114 CLL5Y104MQ3NLNC_B 2
23 C116 CL05C270JB5NNWC 2
24 C121 CL05F103ZB5NNNC_B 2
25 C122 CL05F103ZB5NNNC_B 2
26 C123 CL05F103ZB5NNNC_B 2
27 C124 CLL5Y104MQ3NLNC_B 2
28 C125 CLL5Y104MQ3NLNC_B 2
29 C126 CLL5Y104MQ3NLNC_B 2
30 C127 CLL5Y104MQ3NLNC_B 2
31 C128 CLL5Y104MQ3NLNC_B 2
32 C132 CL05F103ZB5NNNC_B 2
33 C133 CL05F103ZB5NNNC_B 2
34 C134 CLL5Y104MQ3NLNC_B 2
No Net Name Net Length Net Length Status
1 DCDC5P0 42.8831
2 GND 212.275 COPPER Included
3 GND_ADC 3.00149
4 GND_LV 11.4019
5 GND_OSC 3.29497
6 GND_PLL 20.4387
7 GNDADC 2.2291
8 MCU_AA0 60.417
9 MCU_AA1 63.6955
10 MCU_AA10 57.9937
11 MCU_AA11 58.1269
12 MCU_AA12 62.8285
13 MCU_AA13 61.319
14 MCU_AA14 59.7782
15 MCU_AA2 62.5474
16 MCU_AA3 60.173
17 MCU_AA4 61.6979
18 MCU_AA5 59.7555
19 MCU_AA6 61.5142
20 MCU_AA7 58.8611
21 MCU_AA8 67.0442
22 MCU_AA9 61.2125
23 MCU_ABA0 59.4388
24 MCU_ABA1 60.1011
25 MCU_ABA2 61.7236
26 MCU_ACKN 57.4098
27 MCU_ACKP 57.151
28 MCU_ACKPE0 59.6899
29 MCU_ACS0 61.5631
30 MCU_ANCAS 57.9402
31 MCU_ANRAS 57.8412
32 MCU_ANWE 61.2796
33 MCU_AODT0 54.2082
34 MCU_ARST 30.1636