You can confirm the results when the selected test is completed.
The result file has an extension of DFEPR, and it is possible to view only the result
afterwards. In other words, the result can be sent to another person who requests
only the result data, and the identical result can be viewed by that person as well.
The initial result window is as follows:Figure 1.
Navigation Tree: This section shows the test categories. It is shown in a
tree-structure so as to make it convenient for checking each category.
Save: This button allows the result data to be saved.
Load: This button is for loading the pre-saved result data
(.DFEPR). The saved result data can be sent to
others separately to enable sharing of the result.
View Input: Change a mode to DFE+ Input Setup
Excel Export: This button allows the result data to be saved in an Excel
file format.
Total Report List: The analysis result summary is displayed in this window.
Upon clicking each item, the Check Result dialog will
be displayed where you can review result in more detail.
Home: Change a mode to Summary Table.
Impedance Map
It is a function to see the impedance result of each net as a map. Based on the
result of the impedance item, the result is displayed on the map.
This function can be checked by clicking Impedance Map in the
result of the impedance item.Figure 2.
Impedance map is organized as follows.
Impedance Type: Choose the Impedance type to view the impedance results as
Single-ended, Z-Differential, and Z-Common.
Display control: Display the part information or fill polygons on the map
Value Range: Enter the range of results to be displayed. The color of the
net is displayed according to the range.
Layers to Display: Select the layer to review the result.
Net List: Select the Net to see in the Map.
All: All nets results are displayed at once.
Individual: Display the selected nets result.
Item: Display based on the item used in the input.
Show Report: The specific results of the impedance of each net are reported
in Excel.
Close: Close the window.
Coupling Map
It is a function to see the Coupling result of each net as a map. Based on the result
of the Crosstalk Noise item, the result is displayed on the map.
This function can be checked by pressing the Coupling Map button in the result of the
Crosstalk Noise item.Figure 3.
Coupling map is organized as follows.
Display control: Display the part information or fill polygons on the map
Value Range: Enter the range of results to be displayed. The color of the
net is displayed according to the range.
Layers to Display: Select the layer to review the reuslt.
Net List: Select the Net to see in the Map.
All: All nets results are displayed at once.
Individual: Display the selected nets result.
Item: Display based on the item used in the input.
Show Report: The specific results of the coupling of each net are reported
in Excel.
Close: Close the window.
Excel Export: Export Result Table
Figure 4. Open User Defined Excel Format Dialog
Use this menu to generate current result table in excel format.
Upon executing this menu, the Result Table Export dialog
Temporary Data Recording ID Area: As mentioned before, the history of the
tests is provided in the user defined format, so you should select a cell
for the program to use for this feature. Generally, you should select
Result Image: Upon selecting this option, the image that captured the fail
area is included in the Excel report.
Result Waveform: Upon selecting this option, the image that captured the
result signal waveform is included in the Excel report.
Result Area Image: Upon selecting this option, the image that captured the
result area in pcb design is included in the Excel report.
ECAD Link Info: Create a link to display the area of the ECAD design file
interfaced with PDBB.
Impedance Map Result: Upon selecting this option, Include the results of the
Impedance Map result of each net and item in the Excel report.
Impedance Map Image: Upon selecting this option, In addition to the
Impedance Map result, each result image is displayed in the Excel
Coupling Map Result: Upon selecting this option, Include the results of the
Coupling Map result of each net and item in the Excel report.
Coupling Map Image: Upon selecting this option, Include the results of the
Coupling Map result of each net and item in the Excel report.
Save: Save current setup environment. (*.DFEPET
Save As: Save current setup environment with different name.