
The Layer Stack menu shows PCB’s physical stacked information will be used for Signal Integrity analysis.

From the menu bar, click Properties > Layer Stack. The Layer Stack dialog opens.

The stacking order, thicknesses and material properties of metallic and dielectric layers are core parameters drawing dramatic changes of signal transmission qualities and thermal distribution over PCB systems. Therefore, precise assignment should be given to Type, Thickness, Conductor/Dielectric Material, and the total thickness should be checked whether it shows proper value. Other parameters can be defined by clicking and selecting one of the drop-down values. Layer Type for power plane should be defined as Power and ground plane as Ground as displayed above. Available layer types are coating, dielectric, signal, micro signal, power, ground, and floating layers. Each layer type is described below:
  • Coating: Conformal coating material applied to protect the top and bottom signal layers
  • Dielectric: Dielectric layer between two conductor layers. Multiple dielectric layers can be placed next to each other
  • Signal: Etched signal layer. Core signal layer when microvias are used.
  • Micro Signal: For boards using microvias. Micro signal layers are made on both sides of board.
  • Microvias are used for connecting micro signal layers or connecting a micro signal layer and the first core layer.
  • Power: Power plane layer
  • Ground: Ground plane layer
  • Floating: Floating conductor plane layer

Often the top and bottom widths of etched conductor trace cross-section are different, resulting in a trapezoidal cross-section shape.

PCB trace etching effect can be defined. The value of etching difference can be typed in after double-clicking and the etching surface direction can be defined by clicking .

PollEx PCB provides default layer stack set and user can add or edit layer stack by clicking Import or Export. The default layer stack file path is: Installed directory/V6/Data/Layer. You can add, remove, or insert each layer by clicking Add, Remove, or Insert. By selecting this menu, the Add dialog opens wherein you can set material characteristics. You can export stack-up information as an Excel file.
Figure 1.