
Create template view.

  1. Select the View icon.
  2. Drag the mouse to the right screen to create an area.
    A view is created in the page list.
  3. Choose Normal View or Detail View from the drop-down menu.
  4. Dimension: View the list of measured values of the measured data, Pre Text (prefix when expressing), Post Text (prefix when expressing), and Text Size.
  5. Add Dimension: Add the measured value by selecting the location directly.
    • Select specific Layer: Selects the layer where the object to be measured exists.
    • Object: Measures the size or radius of the object.
    • Radius: Measures the radius of an arc or circle.
    • Diameter: Measures the diameter of an arc or circle.
    • Height/Width: Measures the height/width size of the object.
    • Object to Object: Measures the distance between objects.
    • Edge to Edge: Measures the minimum distance between the nearest edges of two selected targets.
    • Center to Center: Measures the distance between the centers of two selected objects.
    • Minimum Distance: Measures the closest distance between two selected targets.
    • Delta X, Y: Check the vertical/horizontal distance of two selected objects.
    • Use Same Type: Will use the same measuring way as previous.
    • Point to Point: Measures the distance between two points in coordinates.
  6. Clear: Clears all the measured contents.
    Individual deletion is selected from the list. Click Delete.
  7. Automation: Automatically measure and display the size information on the drawing.
  8. Mirror: Select whether to mirror the pages.
  9. Display Center: Display the center mark on the drawing and is applied when printing the PDF.
  10. Unfilled Mode: When the PDF is printed, the pad is expressed in a line shape before printing.