- General: You can set language and default file path.
- Default search Directory: Set default file open path for PollEx PCB.
- Log File (*.log) path: Set default log file saving path.
- PDBB Encryption: Define whether to use encryption when saving PDBB file. If you enable this option, you may meet following password input window before saving file.
- Excel Export: Set default MS/Excel export path and default export format such as csv, xls, or xlsx.
- Language: Default language for Menu, Window View, and Manual is English.
- Auto Update: Set default directory of Install file location.
- Default net class file path: Set default net class file path.
- Default material file path: Set default material file path.
- Default MPN reference file path: Set default MPN reference file path.
- Default part library directory: Set default part library directory.
- Auto-sync parts data with library parts during Save As Project: Set automatically sync parts data when a design is saved as a project.