Compare Result

As a result of the comparison, the result window appears in PollEx PCB Modeler.

Figure 1.

When the comparison function is performed, a layer for displaying GDSII data is added, and GDSII data is input to the corresponding layer.
Figure 2.

  • Display the contents of the comparison result: When the different parts are detected, the contents display.
    Figure 3.

  • PDB and GDS2 are identical: When there is no different part.

Display of Individual Detection Results

The displayed content has the following meaning.
  • PDB: Exists only in the PDB and not in the GDS2.
  • GDS2: Exists only in the GDS2 and not in the PDB.
  • Both: The types of comparison targets are different.
If you click an individual Compare result in the list, the detected area displays on the screen.
Figure 4.