Parameter Editor

The Parameter Editor allows you to modify the parameters once the deck is loaded. The parameters that you can modify are: Particle-Particle interactions, Particle-Geometry interactions, and Physics model parameters and options.

To use the Parameter Editor:
In the EDEM Cal page, select Parameter Editor and specify the following details:
For Specify
Properties The Properties section is populated depending on the settings in the prototype simulation deck. The interaction option will allow you to modify the parameters defined in the Interactions Properties of the Bulk Material and Equipment Material section of EDEM. Using the Contact Models section, you can modify the parameters defined in the Contact Model specified in the prototype simulation deck. EDEM Cal does not allow you to change the Contact Model specified in the prototype simulation deck.

When you select a Parameter to modify, the Number of Variances column will be updated to indicate how many values will be changed.

Fields Select a property in the Properties section to view the fields in the Fields section. Select the specific interaction to be modified or a setting in the Contact Model. For interaction-based parameters, the specific bulk material-bulk material/equipment material combination is listed.

The Cases to be generated value is updated depending on the number of parameters varied. This is the number of combinations from the parameters that you have selected to modify.

Parameters Once you have selected a Property and Field, the Parameters are updated as a reflective value of the current value in the prototype deck. There may be more than one parameter which can be changed. Selecting the appropriate parameter will allow you to vary that specific parameter. Click Add to discard the original value and use the newly defined value. You can also add multiple values in this interface. Select a value and click Remove to delete a value. By default, adding a new value will overwrite the original value and that value does not have to be removed. To include the original value in the calibration, re-add that value to be used in the calibration.
Note: All these parameters need to be varied. Any parameters that are not selected will run with the original value defined in the prototype simulation.