Submit a Job

EDEM Cal is a Windows-only application that can generate a batch job for Linux. The EDEM Cal utility allows you to submit a job to alternative computers on your network or on the cloud using the input files from EDEM Cal, and all the job-related files such as input, output, and logs are copied back to the EDEM Cal utility once the job is complete.

To submit a job:
In the EDEM Cal page, click Submit Job and specify the following details:
For Specify
Job Save Location Indicates the computer location used to generate all the decks and the necessary files required to run the simulations. This can be written or pasted into the box or selected using Windows Explorer. To navigate to the file in Windows Explorer, click the ... icon, and select the folder to populate the box with the path to the that folder. Click Generate Job Specification.

This will generate all of the decks in appropriate folders as well as the Job Specification. The Job Specification provides a summary of the parameters varied and simulator settings.

Job Load Location The Load Job Location is used to recover the previously generated job specifications. To navigate to the file using Windows Explorer, click the ... icon and navigate to the folder and click Select folder. The path to that folder is populated.

Once the folder is populated, click Load Job Specification.

Execution Options The following two options are available for running simulations:
  • Generate files and Simulate Locally

    All decks are made as per the job specification, and a batch file to run each one is generated.

    Number of Concurrent simulations

    Specify the number of simulations you want running at the same time mad then click Start Simulating.

  • Generate Files for Distributed Simulation

    All decks are made as per the job specification. A batch file is generated to run each simulation, but options to run locally are disabled. This is intended for use in simulations that will be run for example, on a Linux cluster.

Ongoing Simulations When simulations are running, icons indicating that the simulations that are running, finished, failed, or queued are displayed. Clicking the icons that indicate completed or failed will display the console log for that simulation in the Inspector box.