Hertz-Mindlin (no slip) Model
The Hertz-Mindlin (no slip) contact model is the default model used in EDEM due to its accurate and efficient force calculation.
In particular, the normal force, Fn, is a function of normal overlap δn defined as:
The equivalent Young’s Modulus E* and the equivalent radius R* are defined as:
With Ei, vi, Ri, and Ej, vj, Rj, being the Young’s Modulus, Poisson's ratio, and radius of each sphere in contact. Additionally, there is a damping force, Fnd, defined as:
Where m* is the equivalent mass, vnrel is the normal component of the relative velocity, and β and Sn (the normal stiffness) defined as:
With the Coefficient of Restitution e, the tangential force, Ft, depends on the tangential overlap δt and the tangential stiffness St.
Here, G* is the equivalent Shear modulus. Additionally, tangential damping is defined as:
Where vtrel is the relative tangential velocity. The tangential force is limited by the Coulomb friction μsFn, where μs is the Coefficient of Static Friction.