1. X-Factor mapping illustration of X-Factor influence area
The following picture gives an example of a simple thermal circuit, including the main resistances corresponding to the default synchronous magnet machine, where a frame, a shaft and bearings have been added.
The numbers on every resistance show what X-factor impacts this resistance value.
To keep the scheme simple, the radiation resistances are not represented there.
Thermal circuit – Relation with the calibration factors |
2. Introduction
The X-Factor panel allows the user to defined calibration factors to tune the thermal modeling on specific resistances.
The calibration factors set in this panel are considered in the results shown in COOLING subset, INTERNAL panel environment, and in the TEST environment.
The X-Factor panel also contains a set of parameters defining the internal cooling (coolants temperature and rotor speed) allowing the user to evaluate the thermal model embedded.
The effect on every X-Factor value can be directly seen in the outputs displayed in internal cooling panel.
Internal cooling – X-Factor design area | |
1 | Display the axial and radial view of the machine. |
2 | Display the internal cooling datasheet, showing the thermal parameters defining the internal heat exchanges. |
3 | Radial view of the motor, where specific exchange areas can be highlighted depending of the selected input. |
4 | Axial view of the motor, where specific exchange areas can be highlighted depending of the selected input. |
5 | The section X-Factors is selected. |
6 | Table of the calibration factors allowing the user to tune the thermal
modeling. Each X-factor tunes a set of resistances. The mapping showing the impact of each X-factor is explained in the below dedicated section. |
7 | Input table used for the evaluation of the internal cooling, defining the results displayed in the internal cooling datasheet. |
8 | Button to restore default input values. |
9 | Button to apply inputs. Pressing the enter key twice applies inputs too. |
10 | Icon to export internal cooling data into *.txt or *.xls files. |
External cooling – Model evaluation input table | |
1 | Machine maximum speed.It is the maximum rotation speed for which the convection curves will be evaluated in the internal cooling datasheet. |
2 | Internal fluid temperatureIt is the temperature used in internal cooling
panel to evaluate the convection and the radiation occurring inside the
machine. All the results shown in internal cooling panel used this temperature as the temperature of the internal fluid enclosed in the machine. Most of the curves shown in Internal cooling panel are plotted for a range of temperature going from this reference temperature to 150 Kelvin above it. Note: This temperature
is only used for the model evaluation in the internal cooling panel. This
temperature does not affect the test computations, where the internal
fluid temperature is found by the non linear solving during the solving
of the test.
3. X-Factor mapping
Each calibration factor impacts a specific set of resistances, among the most important thermal resistances of the thermal modeling of a machine.
Internal cooling – Calibration factors input table – Part 1 | |
1 | Magnetic circuit-frame. This calibration factor tunes the total
resistance between the stator yoke and the frame. This total resistance
is composed of two resistances in series:
2 | Magnetic circuit-slot. This calibration factor tunes each of the
thermal resistances linking the stator core to the winding. Each of these
resistances consists of several resistances in series:
3 | Connection Side end winding – slot. This calibration factor tunes the conduction resistance between the slots (meaning In-slot winding) to the Connection Side end winding. |
4 | Opposite Connection Side end winding – slot. This calibration factor tunes the conduction resistance between the slots (meaning In-slot winding) to the Opposite Connection Side end winding. |
Internal cooling – Calibration factors input table – Part 2 | |
5 | Connection Side end space. This calibration tunes all the resistances
involved in thermal exchanges with or through the Connection Side end
space fluid:
6 | Opposite Connection Side end space. This X-factor tunes every
resistance involved in thermal exchanges with or through the Opposite
Connection Side end space fluid:
Internal cooling – Calibration factors input table – Part 3 | |
7 | Airgap. This calibration factor tunes every resistance involved in
thermal exchanges with or through the airgap fluid:
8 | Magnetic circuit-magnet. For every existing magnet, this calibration
factor tunes the total resistance existing between this magnet and every
component of the rotor magnetic circuit around it. Each of these
resistances are composed of three resistances:
9 | Magnetic circuit-shaft. This calibration factor tunes the total
resistance between the rotor yoke and the shaft. This total resistance is
composed of two resistances in series:
10 | Bearings. This calibration factor tunes the resistances existing across the Connection Side bearing and the Opposite Connection Side bearing. These resistances are the resistances computed directly from the bearing equivalent airgap thickness set by the user in INTERFACE settings. |
The following picture gives an example of a simple thermal circuit, including the main resistances corresponding to the default synchronous magnet machine, where a frame, a shaft and bearings have been added.
The numbers on every resistance show what X-factor impacts this resistance value.
To keep the scheme simple, the radiation resistances are not represented there.
Thermal circuit – Relation with the calibration factors |