Description of sub areas

1. Introduction

In each of three main areas (Machine, Rotor and Stator), there are sub areas, which allows defining a sub section of the machine such as shaft, housing, slots, winding, magnets, polarization, materials.

2. Sub area design view

Motor Factory – Design sub areaExample - Sub area of Stator dedicated to the design of slot topology – Main view
1 Icon to access the sub area (Slot area in this example)
2 The default screen allows displaying the main view which illustrates the purpose of the study
3 Inputs are always displayed on the right part of the screen
4 Button to apply inputs
5 Button to restore default values
6 Each sub area has its own design report. It is visible under the tab “Datasheet”
7 Shortcuts allow reaching main section of the current design report
8 Icon to export data into *.txt or *.xls files.

The next table described the tab “Datasheet”.

3. Sub area Datasheet

Motor Factory – Design sub areaExample - Sub area dedicated to the design of slot topology – Datasheet view
1 Icon to access the sub area (Slot area in this example)
2 Each sub area has its own design report. It is visible under the tab “Datasheet”Note: Input data are written in blue, Output data are written in black
3 Inputs are always displayed on the right part of the screen
4 Button to apply inputs
5 Button to restore default values
6 Shortcuts allow reaching main section of the current design report
7 Icon to export data in text files - Please see below illustration
8 The default screen which illustrates the purpose of the study