Altair® Monarch®


Working with the Table Selector

The Prepare Window displays a table selector to the left of the screen that looks like this:


Note this interface is common for all tables, no matter if the data source is a report, XML,JSON, PDF, Excel, or database. However, the context menus may vary slightly and these variations are discussed below.

Table selector icons




Add Button

Clicking this button allows you to open and add new tables to your workspace.


Search Bar

You can search for specific tables from the table list by entering the name or first few letters of the name of the table of interest into this field and then pressing ENTER on your keyboard. When a search is performed, all load plans are expanded and tables that match the search criteria (or the part of the table that matches the criteria) are highlighted.


   Hide/Unhide Table Panel

 Click this icon to hide or unhide the table list panel


Table Actions

Click on this button to reveal a list of actions you can perform on your table. Note that the actions you can perform vary according to the table type and source.


Table Icons

Note that tables on the list are differentiated by several icons, some of which are shown below:

  • is a regular table loaded from an add data operation. Click on this icon to display the Table's source and name.

  • is a table that is the result of a join operation. Click on this icon to display a Join Configuration dialog showing the details of the join.

  • is a table that is the result of an append operation. Click on this icon to display the tables that have been appended.

  • is a table resulting from opening Monarch (model + report/database file or project) or PDF/PRN files. The group of tables represented by this icon is called a Monarch report node.  

Clicking on the drop-down buttons located to the right of each table icon displays a menu that lists the table's source and name, row limits (if any), and other buttons that allow you to carry out a number of table actions. Actions will vary depending on the table type selected.


Load Plan

A load plan provides users with a hierarchical view of all of the operations performed on a table. This functionality allows users to easily track, modify, remove, and duplicate tables,especially those obtained through Transform Data and Combine operations.


Expand/Collapse Load Plan

Click to expand or collapse the selected Load Plan, a graphical representation of the tables that make up a table and actions that have been carried out to arrive at the set of data.


Collapse/Expand All Load Plans

Clicking this button allows you to collapse/expand all load plans in the workspace.


Sort Button

Sort the tables in your Table list by clicking on this button. You can sort in ascending or descending order or remove an applied sort order.


Table actions

When the drop-down arrow beside a table in the Table list is clicked, information about that table, including its source, name, and row limit, is displayed. An action menu is also made available, as shown in the figure below:


Actions for Basic Tables

Note that different table types display different actions. The table below describes the actions you can do to basic tables.



Object Description

Clicking on the Object Description icon launches a text field into which you can enter a comment or description of the selected table.

Edit Load Options

For MS Excel tables:

  • Indicate if the first row of an Excel file contains column names. This is active by default.

  • Ignore blank rows

  • Skip n number of lines. Using this option, you can, for instance ignore lines with containing spreadsheet titles.

  • Switch table - Replaces the contents of the original table with the data in the replacement table selected from the drop-down.

  • Import columns as text

For MS Access tables:

  • Switch table - Replaces the contents of the original table with the data in the replacement table selected from the drop-down.

For delimited text tables:

  • Ignore blank rows

  • First row has columns names

  • Allow embedded line breaks

  • Delimiter

  • Lines to skip

  • Text qualifier

  • Rows to scan for data types

  • Set data types for individual fields or a bulk data type for all fields

For HTML tables:

  • Indicate if the first row of the table contains column names.

  • Lines to skip - Specify a number of lines starting from row 1 to ignore. The table will begin with the n+1 row.

Edit Credentials

Allows you to provide the necessary details for tables requiring security credentials that were cleared when the workspace was saved.

Edit File Path

Allows you to change the path to a data source.

Edit All File Paths

Allows you to change the path to all open data sources.

Map Columns

Allows you to map the columns of two tables with dissimilar schemas without breaking an existing change list.


Allows you to change the name of a table.


Allows you to create a new instance of the table.

The duplicate is initially named <TableName>n, where n is number that indicates how many instances of the table are currently in use . You can rename the table after duplication.


Allows you to delete the selected table.


Allows you to pin a table. When you do so and the workspace is saved, a user without direct access to the table source may open the pinned table when he opens the workspace.

Row Limit

Allows you to increase or decrease the rows displayed by Monarch Data Prep Studio for the current  table.

Decreasing the row limit can speed up the load time of the table and improve the response time when carrying out operations. However, this may allow you to miss exceptions and problematic rows, if these are not included in the limited row set.

Refresh Data From Source

Allows you load the latest data from your data source.  Use this option if the values in your table are changed via an external application and you want these changes reflected in your workspace.

Quick Export

Allows you to quickly export the selected table into a number of formats via the Select an Export Type dialog.

Create Workspace from Table

Allows you to export tables to a new workspace.

Save in Library

Saves the data source in the Data Source Library.

You can use the Data Source Library to easily access and include commonly-used data sources as you define workspaces without having to open the data source and load tables.

Swap with Library Table

Allows you to replace the selected table with one from the Data Source Library.


Undocks the table from the Monarch Data Prep Studio work area so that you can:

  • Move the table around (for instance, to a secondary monitor)

  • Float one more tables and view their records simultaneously.


If your table uses a report or PDF file as a data source, besides the actions above, you may also:



Edit in Report Design

Opens the Report Design window, through which you can modify the fields of a table obtained from a PDF/text report.

Add Report

Allows you to add another report to the node

Set Report Directory

Allows you to specify a default folder from which to source Monarch report,model or project files.

EXCEL Tables

If your table uses a worksheet as a data source (via trapping logic), you may also:



Edit in Worksheet Design

Opens the Worksheet Design window, through which you can modify the fields of a table obtained from a spreadsheet.

XML and JSON tables

If your table uses an XML or JSON file as a data source, besides the actions above, you may also:



Edit Table Info

Launches the XML/JSON Explorer and allows you to select a new table to open.

Add File

Allows you to add a file to the table node.

Set File Directory

Allows you to specify a default folder from which to source JSON/XML files.


If your table is obtained from a transform or combine operation, besides the actions above, you may also:



Edit <Transformation>/<Combination>

Allows you to modify the append, join, or transform definition.

Discard <Transformation>/<Combination>

Allows you to discard an append or join operation or transformation.

Multiple tables

The table actions specified in the table above apply to all individual tables.

If you select two tables of the same hierarchy and then right-click on your mouse, the following options display:



Create New Join

 Launches the Join Configuration dialog, which will allow you to create a new join.

Open Append Helper

Launches the Append Helper, which will allow you to create appends.

Append Tables

Launches a menu that will further allow you to:

  • Create a strict append

  • Create an append matching columns on order, name, and type

  • Create an append matching columns on order and name

  • Create an append matching columns on order

Delete Tables

Delete the selected tables. Note that this action only displays when tables of the highest hierarchy (i.e., single tables in the table selector or the top-most tables in a load plan) are selected.


If you select three tables of the same hierarchy and then right-click on your mouse, the following options display:



Open Append Dialog

Launches the Append Dialog, which will allow you to create appends.

Append Tables

Launches a menu that will further allow you to:

  • Create a strict append

  • Create an append matching columns on order, name, and type

  • Create an append matching columns on order and name

  • Create an append matching columns on order

Delete Tables

Delete the selected tables. Note that this action only displays when tables of the highest hierarchy (i.e., single tables in the table selector or the top-most tables in a load plan) are selected.



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