The Analyze Drop-Down

The Analyze drop-down displays when you click the Analyze tab in the Data Prep Studio toolbar.


The Analyze drop-down is your take-off point for creating, viewing, modifying and managing summaries.






This drop-down allows you to select from multiple summaries which summary to display on-screen 

Active Measure

This drop-down allows you to select from multiple measures which measure to apply to the summary

Add Summary  

This button allows you to create new summaries via the Add Summary dialog

Edit Summary  

This button allows you to modify summary definitions via the Edit Summary dialog

Manage Summaries

This button allows you to manage summaries via the Manage Summaries dialog

Drill Level  

These buttons show how many drill levels there are in the selected summary and allow you to drill up or down as desired.


This drop-down allows you to select from multiple filters which filter to apply to the summary 

Add Filter

This button allows you to create new filters (i.e., formula, value, and compound filters) via the Edit Filter dialog

Edit Filter

This button allows you to modify filter definitions via the Edit Filter dialog

Manage Filters

This button allows you to manage filters via the Manage Filters dialog


This drop-down allows you to select from multiple sorts which sort order to apply to the summary

Add Sort

This button allows you to create new sort orders via the Edit Sort dialog

Edit Sort

This button allows you to modify sort order definitions via the Edit Sort dialog

Manage Sorts

This button allows you to manage sort orders via the Manage Sorts dialog



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