Multi-Domain Keyword Activates the multi-scale time step option, which allows each domain to use its own time step.


/MLTPS/ON (facultative)

T_cut T_freq


Field Contents SI Unit Example
T_cut First synchronization time
T_freq Synchronization step


  1. If the multi-scale time step method is used, each domain is advancing with its own time step. It means that only one domain is updated at a time, and time interpolations are performed on the others. In order to prevent growing errors and improve accuracy, it is recommended to define synchronization times where all Radioss domains are computed.
    Note: The time step of the domains will be truncated by RAD2RAD, in order to stop at synchronization times.

    The first sync time is defined by T_cut and the next sync time is advanced by T_freq (T_sync = T_sync + T_freq).

    Note: T_freq should be chosen large enough (compare to the time step of the domains) so that it will not affect the performance of the method.

    If /MLTPS/ON is not specified, RAD2RAD will use a mono-scale time step method. It means that RAD2RAD will impose the minimum time step on all connected domains: dt = min(dt1,dt2,...,dtn).