Radioss Files

Input Format

The input format (V41, V44, V51, V90, and so on) corresponds to the format of the Radioss input data file, whose name is RunnameD00 for input formats up to V44 or Runname_0000.rad for input formats coming from V51 or higher.

For input formats up to V44, the input format is declared at the first line of the Starter input file. This conforms to the version of the input manual.

For input formats from V51 onwards, the input format is declared in the keyword /BEGIN, which must be the first uncommented line after the line: “#RADIOSS Starter”.

For every new Radioss main release (V41, V44, V51, V90, and so on), a new input manual is provided, which presents the characteristics of the new input format, and information on new keywords.

By ascending compatibility, a RunnamD00 or Runname_0000.rad file conforming to a given manual will be read normally by the next Radioss release (but not the opposite).

For instance, a file with format V41 will be read normally by V44 of Radioss, while a file with format V42 cannot be used with V41. In this last case, an error message is given by Radioss Starter:

Version 12.0 and After

Radioss versions 12.0 and after are all based on 12x extension format.
4x Extension Format 12x Extension Format Type Format Remark Read by Written by
RunnameD00 Runname_0000.rad Starter input ASCII Starter HyperMesh
RunnameDnn Runname_run#.rad Engine input ASCII Engine User
RunnameRnn Runname_run#_cpu # [_C].rst Restart file Any Default binary Engine Starter


RunnameRnn RunnameAnnn Animation IEEE binary HyperView Engine
N/A Runname.h3d Animation H3D HyperView Engine (starting in 2018) or HvTrans thru run script
RunnameTnn if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/41 is used (default):


Time history Any Default IEEE binary HyperGraph Engine
RunnameTnnx if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/41 is used (default):


if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/51 is used:


“x”: letter (a to i)

Time history Any Default IEEE binary HyperGraph Engine
Runname@Tnn Runname_run#_@.thy MNOISE file Any HyperGraph Engine
RunnameLnn Runname_run#.out Listing ASCII Engine
RunnameLnn Runname_nnnn.sty or RunnameYnnn

according to the /IOFLAG keyword

if Irootyy = 2:


if Irootyy ≠ 2:


Output ASCII Starter Engine
Runname_run#.sta State file ASCII Starter Engine
RunnameCnn Runname_run#.ctl Control files ASCII Engine User
run# : RADIOSS run number (four digits) from 0000 to 9999
cpu # : number of processors (four digits)
cpu # = 0000 = SMP RADIOSS Version
cpu # = 0001 to 9999 = MPP (SPMD) RADIOSS Version
C: restart letter (see /RFILE option in the RADIOSS Engine manual)

In case of Single Input File, Engine options can be added into Starter file. Refer to Single File Input for details.

Version 9.0

Some Radioss 9x extensions were modified:
Runname_run#.lis becomes Runname_run#.out
Runname_nnnn.out becomes Runname_nnnn.sty
9x extension Type Format Remark Read by Written by
Runname_0000.rad Starter input ASCII Starter HyperMesh
Runname_0000_a.rad Starter input ASCII Starter HyperMesh
Runname_run#.rad Engine input ASCII Engine Engine
Runname_run#_cpu#[_C].rst Restart file Any Default binary Engine Starter


RunnameAnnn Animation IEEE binary HyperView Engine
Runname.h3d Animation H3D HyperView HvTrans thru run script
if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/41 is used (default):


if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/51 is used:

Time history Any Default IEEE binary HyperGraph Engine
if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/41 is used (default):


if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/51 is used:


“x”: letter (a to i)

Time history Any Default IEEE binary HyperGraph Engine
Runname_run#_@.thy MNOISE file Any HyperGraph Engine
Runname_run#.out Output ASCII Engine
Runname_nnnn.sty or RunnameYnnn

according to the /IOFLAG keyword:

if Irootyy = 2: RunnameYnnn

if Irootyy ≠ 2:

Output ASCII Starter Engine
Runname_nnnn.sta State file ASCII Starter Engine
Runname_run#.ctl Control file ASCII Engine User
run#: RADIOSS run number (four digits) from 0000 to 9999
cpu #: number of processors (four digits)
cpu # = 0000 = SMP RADIOSS Version
cpu # = 0001 to 9999 = SPMD RADIOSS Version
C: restart letter (see /RFILE option in the RADIOSS Engine manual)

Version 5.1

5x extension Type Format Remark Read by Written by
Runname_0000.rad Starter input ASCII Starter HyperMesh
Runname_0000_a.rad Starter input ASCII Starter HyperMesh
Runname_run#.rad Engine input ASCII Engine User
Runname_run#_cpu#[_C].rst Restart file Any Default binary Engine Starter


RunnameAnnn Animation IEEE binary HyperView Engine
if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/41 is used (default):


if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/51 is used:

Time history Any Default IEEE binary HyperGraph Engine
if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/41 is used (default):


if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/51 is used:


“x”: letter (a to i)

Time history Any Default IEEE binary HyperGraph Engine
Runname_run#_@.thy MNOISE file Any HyperGraph Engine
Runname_run#.lis Listing ASCII Engine
Runname_nnnn.out or RunnameYnnn

according to the /IOFLAG keyword:

if Irootyy = 0: RunnameYnnn

if Irootyy = 1: Runname_nnnn.out

Output ASCII Starter Engine
Runname_run#.ctl Control file ASCII Engine User

Version 4 and Earlier

4x extension Type Format Remark Read by Written by
RunnameD00 Starter input ASCII Starter HyperMesh
RunnameD0A Starter input ASCII Starter HyperMesh
RunnameDnn Engine input ASCII Default binary Engine User
RunnameRnn Restart file Any Engine Starter


RunnameAnnn Animation IEEE binary HyperView Engine
Animation H3D HyperView HvTrans thru run script
RunnameTnn Time history Any Default IEEE binary HyperGraph Engine
RunnameTnnx Time history Any Default IEEE binary HyperGraph Engine
Runname@Tnn MNOISE file Any HyperGraph Engine
RunnameLnn Listing ASCII Engine
RunnameYnnn Output ASCII Starter Engine
RunnameCnn Control file ASCII Engine User