OS-E: 0610 Manifold: Nonlinear Transient Heat Transfer
Nonlinear transient heat transfer analysis of a manifold is done using OptiStruct. The thermal conductivity of the material is a function of
Figure 1. FE Model with Loadcases and Loadstep
Model Files
Before you begin, copy the file(s) used in this example to
your working directory.
Consists of a manifold, on which the inlet is maintained at 355°C and the outlet at
122°C. The inside of the manifold is maintained at a temperature of 816°C.
Temperature dependent material properties are defined using
TABLEM1. Convective heat transfer occurs through the inside
surface of the manifold. Here you run Nonlinear heat transfer analysis.
The solid element properties are:
First order Solid elements
The material properties for the manifold are:
Thermal Conductivity
0.045 W/mmK
Poisson's Ratio
7.9 x 10-9 ton/mm3
Figure 2. Dependency of Thermal Conductivity as a Function of
Figure 3. Variation of Grid Temperature at Time 0.05 Seconds Figure 4. Variation of Grid Temperature at Time 1 Second