HL-T: 2010 Welded + Unwelded Material Certification (FKM)

This tutorial guides you through a step-by-step process that covers the certification of both welds and unwelded material in the same calculation.

Note: Currently, unwelded calculations cannot by-pass the weld calculation workflow.
Before you begin, copy the file(s) used in this tutorial to your working directory.

Import the Model and Results File

  1. From the Home tools, Files tool group, click the Open Model tool.
    Figure 1.

    The Open Model/Results Files dialog opens.
  2. Browse for and select HL-2010\sidedoor_gp.hm as the model file.
  3. Browse for and select HL-2010\sidedoor_gp.h3d as the result file.
  4. Click Apply.
    Figure 2.

Identify Weld Lines

  1. Click the Mark Welds tool.
    Figure 3.
    The Mark Weld dialog opens.
  2. Click Detect.
    HL-WC identifies the welds present in the model and highlights them in red.

    Once detection is complete, a message stating the number of weld lines identified is displayed.

    Figure 4.

    The weld line browser is updated.
    Figure 5.

Screen Welds

  1. Click the Inspect tool.
    Figure 6.
    The Inspect Browser dialog opens.
  2. Select Subcase 1 (Cruise) from the Subcase drop-down menu.
  3. Enter a threshold value of 100.
    Figure 7.

  4. Click Inspect.
    Once the screening is complete, a dialog will display the number of failed weld lines.
    Figure 8.

  5. Click OK.
    The legend on the right side of the modeling window colors failed weld lines in pink.
    Figure 9.

  6. Optional: Click in the dialog to plot the ratio of the von Mises stress value of an element and the threshold value you provided.
  7. Exit the Inspect Browser dialog.

Define a Weld Specification

  1. Click the Specifications tool.
    Figure 10.
    The Weld Specification dialog opens.
  2. Select FKM from the Regulation drop-down menu.
    Figure 11.

  3. Click Apply.
    Parameters are applied to all the weld line evaluation points.
  4. Click OK.

Review Evaluation Points

  1. Click the Points tool.
    Figure 12.

    The Evaluation Points dialog opens.
  2. Select hlw_T2#Frame_left3#Skin from the weld line list.
    Note: The Evaluate checkbox should be activated. Any weld lines that are marked as critical in the screening process are automatically selected in the Evaluation Points dialog.
  3. Review the classification parameters.
    The classification parameters for each weld vary depending on the weld type and the weld regulation selected.
    Figure 13.

  4. Review other weld lines at your own discretion then exit the dialog.

Create and Assign a Material

  1. Click the Material tool.
    Figure 14.

    The Assign Material dialog opens.
  2. Click to select all the parts.
  3. Click the My Material tab.
  4. Click .
    A new material named Material2 is created.
  5. Modify the material parameters.
    1. Set the Tensile Strength to 690.
    2. Set the Yield Strength to 360.
    3. Set the Normal Fatigue Limit to 310
    4. Set the Shear Fatigue Limit to 180.
    5. Accept all other default parameters and click Plot & Save.
    Figure 15.

  6. Right-click on Material2 and select Add to Assign Material List.
  7. Return to the Assign Material Data tab.
  8. For the part Skin, select Material2 from the Material drop-down menu.
  9. Accept the default materials and parameters for all other parts.
    Figure 16.

  10. Exit the dialog.

Evaluate and View Results

  1. From the Evaluate tool group, click the Run Analysis tool.
    Figure 17.
    By default, an event with all subcases is created. The created event will compare the subcases placed within an event to create the maximum range.
    The Evaluate Welds dialog opens.
  2. Optional: Enter a name for the run.
  3. Optional: Edit the default event or create a new subcase through the LoadMap context.
  4. Select Both Welds & Unwelded for the evaluation domain.
  5. Verify Stress Combination is set to Tensor components.
    Figure 18.

  6. Click Evaluate.
    Both the welds and unwelded elements are evaluated.
    Figure 19.

    By default, Max Utilization - Unwelded is contoured.

  7. In the Results Explorer, select Top Layer and MinStress_X from the contour result drop-down menus and click .
    The selected result type is contoured.
    Figure 20.

  8. Add tags to elements.
    1. In the Results Explorer, select MasterUtilizationUnWelded from the contour result drop-down menu and click .
    2. Select elements to tag.
    3. Click on the entity selector.
      The selected elements are tagged with IDs and utilization values.
      Figure 21.